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Did any particular film and star win you over to them


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DORIS DAY. I joined the D/D fan club in 1954, when i went in the army have plenty of photos from the 50s & onwards, if she made a film I saw it, a record I would buy it, vinyl- tapes- dvds- cds. She's on my favorites bar & have her on fachbook D/D tribute page LOVE HER.

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DORIS DAY. I joined the D/D fan club in 1954, when i went in the army have plenty of photos from the 50s & onwards, if she made a film I saw it, a record I would buy it, vinyl- tapes- dvds- cds. She's on my favorites bar & have her on fachbook D/D tribute page LOVE HER.

some very strange story's floating around about her while I'm not judge life style its been well said she was a preditor?? cant even spell it:suspect::suspect::suspect:

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Yeah, Clint Eastwood in any film, Jack Nicholson, but I've always liked Lee Marvin. Remember 'Point Blank', great movie. Anybody ever notice the way he held a glass? Always had his little finger sticking out, real posh like, then next minute he's smacking somebody upside the head.

Robert Mitchum. Remember 'Heaven Knows Mr Allison', when Deborah Kerr (as a nun) finds a bottle of Saki and hands it over to Mitchum? He screws the top off the bottle, has a sniff, and the expression on his face when he realizes that it's alcohol. Gives me a laugh every time I see it.

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