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How can we stop knife crime

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We don't need to, there are a huge wealth of stats and studies that show that there is 0 correlation between having the death penalty and crime rates.


We may not know the exact number of people who are deterred by the thought of the death penalty, but a basic knowledge of statistics is enough to reveal that the number is close enough to 0 as to be insignificant.


Is it worth risking killing innocent people for a 0% drop in crime?


I don't think so.


What's the murder rate now in Britain compared to what it was prior to the abolition of the death penalty ?


Since it takes on average 20 to 30 years to execute people in US prisons I think there is adequate time to allow for evidence to be reexamined, fresh evidence to be reintroduced, witnesses to be recalled to testify where any doubt as to the person's guilt suddenly manifests itself.


I'll agree that under the British system one month between sentencing and hanging was far too short and thus made possible the hanging of someone inncocent. The only person I can remember though who was later found to be innocent was Timothy Evans

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What's the murder rate now in Britain compared to what it was prior to the abolition of the death penalty ?


Since it takes on average 20 to 30 years to execute people in US prisons I think there is adequate time to allow for evidence to be reexamined, fresh evidence to be reintroduced, witnesses to be recalled to testify where any doubt as to the person's guilt suddenly manifests itself.


I'll agree that under the British system one month between sentencing and hanging was far too short and thus made possible the hanging of someone inncocent. The only person I can remember though who was later found to be innocent was Timothy Evans


How many before it becomes important? 3? 10? 1000?

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What's the murder rate now in Britain compared to what it was prior to the abolition of the death penalty ?
I don't know, but in any rate, that's not a fair comparison, a great many things have changed in Britain since then, and doing a regression analysis would be extremely difficult. I presume you've done one? Otherwise, that's a moot point.


There have been a great many studies done on this, and your hunch doesn't count for much next to years of work by economists.


A much better comparison would be looking at the murder rate for US states which have the death penalty and those which don't, see here, also here is the results of a different survey of FBI records which found similar results. As you can see, states with the death penalty have higher murder rates than those without it. All of the states without the death penalty have murder rates below the national average.


Since it takes on average 20 to 30 years to execute people in US prisons I think there is adequate time to allow for evidence to be reexamined, fresh evidence to be reintroduced, witnesses to be recalled to testify where any doubt as to the person's guilt suddenly manifests itself.


I'll agree that under the British system one month between sentencing and hanging was far too short and thus made possible the hanging of someone inncocent. The only person I can remember though who was later found to be innocent was Timothy Evans


Seeing as it is a simple statistical fact that the death penalty doesn't work as a deterrent, was it worth killing Timothy Evans for a 0% reduction in crime?

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How many knife wielding scumbags do you know in employment?


You're saying that if i'm not employed i will knife someone??


Most of these bafoons listen to the same sort of music and dress the same, which is like gangsta rap.


If we can get them away from this gangsta type lifestyle, either on, or off benefits...then we have one less knife crime.

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You're saying that if i'm not employed i will knife someone??


Most of these bafoons listen to the same sort of music and dress the same, which is like gangsta rap.


If we can get them away from this gangsta type lifestyle, either on, or off benefits...then we have one less knife crime.



Is it really that simple, make them listen to The Carpenters and all will be well ?

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The biggest reason for crime other than pure greed (and those truly greedy ones will do proper big time scores), is drugs.


Then most druggies (excluding student dabblers, etc) turn into numpties who are desperate and get ripped off and then rip others off in a vicious circle. There's a whole underground black market of people who don't even need their benefits because of what they make illegally. What, buy an ounce of weed at £110, bag it up and sell it at £320. There's numpties who don't even know that the word eighth is an actual weight and will pay £20 quid for 0.9 grams (should be 3.5 grams), never mind the extra cost of running around. Next their bullied into putting it all into a single spliff before leaving the dealers, then obviously want / need more (i've seen weed steamed / laced with all sorts of other drugs!). Then whilst at the dealers someone suggests an easy job (burglary or something), which they'd give them a cut of (even though they'd do it all). All of a sudden little mommies boy who wants to play his new xbox game stoned just turned into a mid level criminal and a stones throw away from someone BIG ENUFF to stab someone.


People say cannabis is the gateway drug, it is, but only because of where you have to get it from. Making it a class C drug does nothing without providing a legitimate place to get it from.

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Anybody threatening anybody with a gun or knife should be gassed or electrocuted to death.


This would act as a deterrent and would also stop the scumbag from doing the crime again.

I have to agree.

The vast majority of offenders re-offend, and the only effective way to prevent re-offending is to remove the offenders from society. Permanently.

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