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European Union - watch this.

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Knowing people that deal with european money the level of accounting required is way beyond what any business is required to do for purposes of tax. 1.)The system is set up to be robust, 2.)but it is so robust it is impossible to achieve. With austerity being the rage in europe expect the quality of the accounts to deteriorate further as the public and tabloids demand the cutting of those people administering the budgets in national govt.s


PS see link for a full account. I agree there are concerns. But the Auditors are also saying the accounts are and have been improving.




So it is really well built and configured for a specific purpose but fails to serve the aforementioned purpose?


Does that not imply that it is NOT robust.


I note that you still cling to your signature exhorting disobedience whilst cringing before authority, are you ignorant of history or just lacking virtue?

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This has been going on for years as the OP mentioned and won;t be stopping any time soon. The Euro bunch are ALL making way too much cash all paid by your taxes. Until the ordinary people stand up and stand 2 fingers up to the lot of the bent grabbers, it will never change.

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I agree there are concerns. But the Auditors are also saying the accounts are and have been improving.


16 straight years of financial corruption and this cringe worthy response is one of the weakest apologies for a pampered elite to continue parasitically sponging off the ordinary working population that I have ever read. And I am not even referring to the MEPs, but the unelected and unaccountable EU commissioners whose salaries and expenses are truly enormous. The people who decide the direction, funding and policies of the EU. MEPs just get to vote every now and then on legislation that has been drafted by unelected bureaucrats, to give the illusion of democracy.


All funding of the EU should be halted immediately, and the £billions saved put into job creation and skills training for the British unemployed.

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This has been going on for years as the OP mentioned and won;t be stopping any time soon. The Euro bunch are ALL making way too much cash all paid by your taxes. Until the ordinary people stand up and stand 2 fingers up to the lot of the bent grabbers, it will never change.


Supposedly some of it is set to change, even though it was extended for another four years.

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I at first disliked the reporting style of misrepresenting actual facts and figures, but soon realised she (sorry, not sure of reporters name), she'd present info like a politician and then re-state it accurately.


Personally I found it all so sickening that I turned over to watch the last 15 minutes of Panorama , oh what a wonderful life...

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Supposedly some of it is set to change, even though it was extended for another four years.


Fat chance.

Changes won't happen until the lot of the bent gits are ditched, imprisoned and replaced by people who have watched the first lot getting whipped for their greed.

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