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Congratulations..to William and Kate ..royal wedding 2011

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BBC are going on about it ad infinitum.


It's not as if there isn't any proper news they could be reporting. Absolute dross.


Unite the nation my arse! (As another member of the Royal family might say).


Listening to R4 at the moment and that's all they're 'reporting' on. I agree, absolute dross, who gives a toss? No doubt she's been checked out to ensure that she's fertile and pop out an heir and a spare.


Hasn't someone traced her ancestry to highlight how she's only 780 times removed from some ancient member of the royal family? That used to be the order of the day so we could rest assured that the royal bride to be wasn't 100% commoner.

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Who in their right mind would honestly be interested in this news ? A nasty bunch of horrible human beings driven by greed, wealth, land ownership and power. Anybody remotely interested in this totally disfunctional family must be SERIOUSLY sad ! Do you think he would be marrying her if she worked at his local Morrisons on the checkouts ? So much for this" classless society" nonsense that John Major was spouting a few years ago !

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Listening to R4 at the moment and that's all they're 'reporting' on. I agree, absolute dross, who gives a toss? No doubt she's been checked out to ensure that she's fertile and pop out an heir and a spare.


Hasn't someone traced her ancestry to highlight how she's only 780 times removed from some ancient member of the royal family? That used to be the order of the day so we could rest assured that the royal bride to be wasn't 100% commoner.



Yep, total overkill. Just saw Smarmy Dave on the box. No show without Punch!

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Who in their right mind would honestly be interested in this news ? A nasty bunch of horrible human beings driven by greed, wealth, land ownership and power. Anybody remotely interested in this totally disfunctional family must be SERIOUSLY sad ! Do you think he would be marrying her if she worked at his local Morrisons on the checkouts ? So much for this" classless society" nonsense that John Major was spouting a few years ago !



Yep, just imagine what the Daily Mail and Diana Express are going to be like between now and the wedding!:gag:

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Who in their right mind would honestly be interested in this news ? A nasty bunch of horrible human beings driven by greed, wealth, land ownership and power. Anybody remotely interested in this totally disfunctional family must be SERIOUSLY sad ! Do you think he would be marrying her if she worked at his local Morrisons on the checkouts ? So much for this" classless society" nonsense that John Major was spouting a few years ago !


You cannot have a classless society with a royal family and monarch who is head of state. Dysfunctional or not, they are an anachronism. Middleton must really love him (or be ambitious), who in their right mind would marry into that clan?

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They do make a good looking couple.


Liked the comment that Prince Charles made about them practising for long enough!!! :o:hihi:


I can't make up my mind about her having his mother's ring - nice gesture or cheapstake - the jury's out on that one!


I thought it very touching, although perhaps not a good omen, if one believes in such things.


Good job Middleton isn't a Catholic (or is she and they've decided to overlook it?).

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