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Congratulations..to William and Kate ..royal wedding 2011

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Again, well said!


There are some sad, unhappy people on S.F. The only way they deal with their sad unhappiness is to spread it around. Thing is, it stands out a mile. Criticism often says more about the critic than it does about the criticized.


We don't have to like or agree with something - but from a psychological perspective, the way we criticise tells other people a great deal about who we are. Do these people want everyone knowing that they're sad, jealous and bitter individuals? Because if they do, then congratulations, mission accomplished.


To those who think that being a royal is an easy job, you clearly have absolutely no insight into what being a public figure involves. Whilst I'm obviously not a member of the Royal family, I have experienced to some degree, in my past, what it's like to be in the public eye - and it's not a bunch of roses. I also have some close friends who are perceived to be public figures and therefore constantly in the media gaze - and being part of their world, I can tell you that it's not all it's cracked up to be.


A few of you are so quick to judge something you blatantly know nothing about. What does that say about you?


In relation to media saturation. I'm sure that I'll tire of media coverage at some point soon, like everyone else, but that's what the remote's for. No? :confused:


Re: William and Kate. I'm happy for them. Having watched their interview they're clearly in love and appear well suited. Kate will be groomed to within an inch of her life in preparation for her future role as Queen of England. Time will tell as to whether or not having her and William as figureheads will change the way the monarchy works - but regardless, two people are in love and have decided to commit themselves to each other. I think that's nice. Those who think otherwise should perhaps take a moment to really investigate what's going on in their head.


The only thing I would add is when some posters start to throw insults instead of debating an issue shows their immaturity and lack of respect for others.

This point relates in general not specifically to this thread.

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I can easily,


you claim that the royals have an easy job therefore are totally ignorant of what they actually do


you claim that they are less important than jordan and peter, no explanation required, you are wrong


add to this your responses when questioned and your unfounded accusation that I am obsessed with Hello magazine.




ok, fair enough.


I still think working as a nurse is harder than being a Royal.

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I don't know why anyone would think that being a senior royal is an easy job, it's a crap one and one that I'm sure they would not have chosen for themselves. Whilst they may be privileged financially, they have virtually no choice in whom they can marry (ie what would have happened if Middleton were a Catholic for example?) or what career path they can embark on. They're under constant public scrutiny, have an endless round of utterly tedious public engagements and state functions to attend, are expected not to be partisan in their political views and the women's appearances are subject to a constant media frenzy that it is no wonder that both Diana and Fergie developed eating disorders. Furthermore, as soon as that wedding ring is on her finger, the pressure will be on to produce an heir and a spare.


Why would anyone in their right mind be remotely envious of them?

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Why would anyone in their right mind be remotely envious of them?


They don't have to worry about paying the mortgage (or even have a mortgage), or losing their job, or not being able to pay the gas bill, or feed the kids.


I guess that goes someway to the perception that they have it pretty easy compared to the rest of us.

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They don't have to worry about paying the mortgage (or even have a mortgage), or losing their job, or not being able to pay the gas bill, or feed the kids.


I guess that goes someway to the perception that they have it pretty easy compared to the rest of us.


Maybe its just difficult in a different way.

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Maybe its just difficult in a different way.


Perhaps, but when thousands of people are losing their jobs and worrying about losing the roof over their heads it's hard to think saying "You know what I bet Prince Willam has a realy hard life too" isn't going to cheer them up much.

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Perhaps, but when thousands of people are losing their jobs and worrying about losing the roof over their heads it's hard to think saying "You know what I bet Prince Willam has a realy hard life too" isn't going to cheer them up much.


no-one claimed that:roll:


however he did lose his mum probably because of her "job", which puts some perspective on someone losing their job doesn't it

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