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Congratulations..to William and Kate ..royal wedding 2011

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So? Other countries have done so.




Just 'cause the cameras will be there (taking over all channels - again) doesn't make it public.


  • Will you be able to attend the ceremnoy? - No.
  • Will you be able to attend the reception? - No.


Seems pretty private/elitist to me.


you actually want to cut off their heads because they inherited a title:loopy:

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Versailles does quite well too considering that it's not been inhabited by a royal for over 200 years.


So you're ok with having had a royal family but just not now? Seems a bit hypocritical... Surely you're either for a Royal family or against..?Without a royal family would places like Versailles ever have been built?

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Why get personal?


'cause I don't see any benefits in keeping them, to be honest. We could manage quite well without them.


As a country I would say that we have benefited from having them..


I'm still not getting it. What benefits are these (tourism can be discounted as - as posted by Suffragette1 - countries with no monarchy do pretty well without one).

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So you're ok with having had a royal family but just not now? Seems a bit hypocritical... Surely you're either for a Royal family or against..?Without a royal family would places like Versailles ever have been built?


Yer wot? How on earth have you managed to infer that? They are a total anachronism and epitomise a rigid class system based on privilege and accident of birth.

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I'm still not getting it. What benefits are these (tourism can be discounted as - as posted by Suffragette1 - countries with no monarchy do pretty well without one).


that is tripe as an argument, they are not doing well at tourism because they don't have a monarchy they are doing well because they have something else!


Something that makes us distinctive is the huge old houses and monarchy. There will be a ridiculous number coming from abroad specifically for the wedding.

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