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Advice regarding pushy/aggressive door calling

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I have got so fed up of these cold callers that the last time one knocked at my door asking me who my energy supplier was, I asked him how big his c*ck was. He actually blushed, stammered and was left pretty much speechless. I told him that if he didn't like it, he shouldn't go around asking people personal questions. Then I shut the door in his face. Worked a treat :hihi:


Funny! Although given the attitude of some of them I wouldn't put it past them to get it out and show it to me. Maybe not the best reply for a woman onher own.

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Do not let them get you involved in a conversation.


Think of all the fun your missing out on.

The pushy ones are my favourites.

I get them talking, all the time insisting im not interested then i say something like 'oh, hang on a minute ill be right back' then close the door.

i had one standing there almost 15minutes before he thumped my door and went off in a huff.


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Please be careful when answering doors as most of the time it is a distraction- 1 person will keep you chatting at the door whilst 1 person is round the back of your house beaking in.


my estate in Chapetown have had police out posting doorstoppers flyers and questionnairs. They are trying to set up a organisation to stop (or reduce) the amout of door sales, which I think is a great idea.


If you see someone hanging around your eatate that you are warey of or if people are acting un-professionally either at your door or neighbours please call: 0114 20 20 20- non- emergency police. Take down the van/ car reg just incase and always ask through the door if they can provide id before opening the door. If they are legit they will understand- if they cannot provide id then tell them for your safety you are not willing to open the door.


If all else fails tell them you are the babysitter/ nanny and are not obliged to open the door..... then call police if they refuse to leave

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NPower seem to have spates of knocking on my door saying they have been 'sent' or 'asked to come' to get me cheaper fuel bills. My usual reply is that unless they have been personally invited by me to pop round then then can go away immediately. One once jammed his foot in the door after stepping up the steps right into my face. It's lucky I'm not easily intimidated as some folk would have found that very upsetting. At that point I raised my voice to him and shut the door even harder on his foot and in his face, then he got the message. It is disgusting it should not be allowed and I feel so sorry for people not as assertive who simply cannot get rid of these people.

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In May 2010, after pressure from Consumer Focus & Trading Standards, energy companies agreed that their sales people would not knock on doors with 'no cold caller' signs - Put one in your window now.


On 1 October 2010 this officially became part of the EnergySure Code of Practice, though the policy was already active, with this new term:


7.4.3 (b) not call on any premises where there is a message prominently displayed in the form of a visible, clearly worded and unambiguous notice indicating that a consumer does not wish to receive uninvited doorstep sales callers.


Therefore if the cold caller persists, note down their name & employee number and report them to the company and Consumer Direct.



Hope this info is useful to everyone........

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Maxwell - Irenewilde posted that earlier in this thread ;)

Exactly right. I always start off with a polite refusal which only occasionally works. I find I have to get quite assertive with most of them & I've been threatened in front of my daughter who was 7 at the time and terrified. He even pretended to call for back up on his phone (punched in some digits and then started talking immediately - like they do on TV - it was comical really) because I was being "rude" to him. I complained about him and they took it very seriously. At one point they rang and said he wanted to come back and apologise in person. I said that I'd hit him with a baseball bat if he came anywhere near my property again and the person on the phone actually said she didn't blame me for thinking like that!


Anyway - since I put this in my porch (print it out)




we've had only one person at the door in 5 months! He told my husband that he "didn't take any notice of those notices". All I can say is that I'm glad my husband answered the door & not him because I would have pushed past him, gone round the side of the house and turned the hosepipe on him on the grounds that I was watering my garden and he was in the way.

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