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Charity shops more expensive than mainstream shops.

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Have they really become more expensive or do they seem more expensive as a result of the mass production and relative cheapness of brand new stuff?


I know in recent years they have a massive problem getting donations in (the popularity of ebay/car boots I pressume) maybe this has some bearing.



That's a fair point,and one that passed me by:confused:

I don't think theres a shortage of donatees,well not in our area,(the shops are bursting with stinking items.):D


Maybe some of the forummers have, or do work in a charity shop.They

could shed a bit of light on the subject.

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Does the price matter if the aim is to give to charity?

yes it does matter


they get things for nothing, why should i pay through the nose for something that i can buy somewhere else cheaper?


they used to be fine, then they got greedy over about the last 5-7 years


i generally buy cds, records, dvds and computer games, ive been disgusted by their prices recently

take a cd, now not many sell cds less than £1.99, some £2.99 and some even £3.99?

you can buy the same cds on amazon brand new for £3.99 AND get it delivered


i like to experiment and when cheap, i dunno, say 50p-£1 for an album i might buy one just cos it looks interesting, these days i cant afford to.


they actually use the rare record price guides now and price their vinyl up to what they list em as, trouble is they dont take quality into consideration, i aint paying a tenner for some scratchy old bob dylan album


if i see one selling cds for like £1 i snap em up and buy maybe 1, IF i go in a shop and theyre selling em for £2.99 / £3.99 i may buy 1, if i really really really like it.


their greed really is driving me away from them, sadly, id love to know if they made more when stuff was cheaper or now when its more expensive, as im sure im not the only one offended by their greed

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The problem is that charity shops are not charity shops any more. They are owned by greedy business people who give a little to charity and cream off the rest in profits. I only donate to proper chatities.


Those people going door to door or standing in the street trying to talk people into signing up for the likes of the RSPB are paid approx £100 per signature.

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the cancer research shop in town had a handbag for sale the other week, which I was aghast about.


They wanted £12 for it.


"but it IS leather!" said the woman behind the counter.


I pointed out the biro scribblings all over it, and said "Leather or not, looking at the state of this handbag, I would consider this jumble-sale fodder, not sale-worthy in the charity shop!"


She rewrote the ticket for £8. Ridiculous!



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  • 4 months later...

st lukes in crookes is so expensive for the china and pottery. there was an old cup and saucer for £15 the other. yes it was nice and pretty but £15 no way!!!


cant believe how much they charge for pottery and furniture its so expensive.

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