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Charity shops more expensive than mainstream shops.

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No one other than students and/or Pensioners goes in charity shops anyway, I should know I've worked in a couple.... When I worked in the Oxfam on King St I used to dread thursdays, cos the Castle Markets were shut so nobody went down that end of Town, no customers in Oxfam... :rant:


Rich you are talking garbage, lots of different folk go in charity shops me included - as recycling/reusing has become more important it is very fashionable to pick up a bargain in a charity shop. The extra care shop at Hillsborough Barracks is always busy and full of customers whenever you go past.

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No it is only nightwear that has had the fire retardant label taken out that can't be sold - Safety Standards again!






Actually they are not allowed to do this, you will find that staff are only allowed to buy 2 items on display in the shop


Office staff arn't allowed to take stationary items,but they do.

I would say in most industries employees have sticky fingers.

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OK chaps. I volunteer in a charity shop 2 or 3 days a week.


Point 1: The volunteers get all the best stuff? Actually, in our volunteer agreement we sign to say that we won't buy stuff while on duty. We'd certainly never buy something we'd priced ourselves because that would be unfair. And if we took 'all the best stuff' we'd soon run out of wardrobe space!


I get really pleased when someone buys something I like and will often point out things that have stuck in my mind to customers who might like them.

Also, would it be so terrible if volunteers did buy a few of their favourite things? They work for free after all.


Point 2: Prices going up. In some shops this is true but in others, no way. Where I work unless it's designer no item of clothing goes over £5 and only goes out if it is in PERFECT condition. We do have to pay our rent too and charity shops need large sorting and storing areas so the premises aren't cheap. Certainly when Primark started amassing stores charity shops seemed like less good value, but ethically there is just no comparison.


Point 3: Charity shops owned by big business? Tosh, if it calls itself a charity shop and has a charity number then the profits go to charity. The thing to watch out for according to the Association of Charity Shops is hoax door to door bag collections. Check the charity registration number online to see if they are legit.

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Office staff arn't allowed to take stationary items,but they do.

I would say in most industries employees have sticky fingers.


I say speak for yourself!

As the last post stated as well as my post is that it is not allowed and the volunteers I know would never dream of taking the best for themselves they are far too honest :P

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Certainly, I am not obverse to exchanging my old stuff as payment for labour.:)


Can I just check, that you have no objection to me then selling said items on ebay or similar auction site :) as listing would state:

*Item previously owned by manofstrad - Sheffield Forum*

Seeing as your becoming a local "celebrity" im going to be enterprising and cash in ;):D

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I have seen a lot of glass sold as Whitefriars, when I know it was made in China and sold 10 years ago in Woolworths. Some poor soul is buying that thinking they know what they are talking about. I am thinking of St Lukes at Crookes in particular for this, they do it a lot.


Caveat emptor! :|

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Can I just check, that you have no objection to me then selling said items on ebay or similar auction site :) as listing would state:

*Item previously owned by manofstrad - Sheffield Forum*

Seeing as your becoming a local "celebrity" im going to be enterprising and cash in ;):D


:hihi: That is very enterprising of you shiny', there may be a place for you in my organisation after all.;):)

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Maybe the charities that a lot of you are slagging off, should just stop operating and then maybe you can take over doing the work they do and raise the millions pounds a year to help people suffering. You can go tell the people dying of Cancer that there is no money to help fund research in fighting their desease and tell people who are dying from starvation in poor countries, because you lot think charities are such bad people for trying to raise as much money as possible to help people out of poverty and suffering.

Nothing works perfectly and we do not live in a perfect World, because if we did there wouldnt be any need for charity shop and there wouldnt be any need for nasty people who think the charity organisations are just greedy horrible people.

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