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Charity shops more expensive than mainstream shops.

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Rich you are talking garbage, lots of different folk go in charity shops me included - as recycling/reusing has become more important it is very fashionable to pick up a bargain in a charity shop. The extra care shop at Hillsborough Barracks is always busy and full of customers whenever you go past.


Ditto. What kind of a totally wrong observation is this?! I am neither a student nor pensioner and am a frequent charity shopper as are plenty of people I know.

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Maybe the charities that a lot of you are slagging off, should just stop operating and then maybe you can take over doing the work they do and raise the millions pounds a year to help people suffering. You can go tell the people dying of Cancer that there is no money to help fund research in fighting their desease and tell people who are dying from starvation in poor countries, because you lot think charities are such bad people for trying to raise as much money as possible to help people out of poverty and suffering.

Nothing works perfectly and we do not live in a perfect World, because if we did there wouldnt be any need for charity shop and there wouldnt be any need for nasty people who think the charity organisations are just greedy horrible people.


So basically charities are above any criticism then?

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Maybe the charities that a lot of you are slagging off, should just stop operating and then maybe you can take over doing the work they do and raise the millions pounds a year to help people suffering. You can go tell the people dying of Cancer that there is no money to help fund research in fighting their desease and tell people who are dying from starvation in poor countries, because you lot think charities are such bad people for trying to raise as much money as possible to help people out of poverty and suffering.

Nothing works perfectly and we do not live in a perfect World, because if we did there wouldnt be any need for charity shop and there wouldnt be any need for nasty people who think the charity organisations are just greedy horrible people.


There you open up a completely new can of worms, because I would absolutely agree with you that charities should stop operating.


The vital work they do should not be left to luck and charitable donations as to whether it happens. The research they fund should be done for the good of everyone, not only if a fundraiser has a good day. The roles that they do should be done by government, not by charities at all. Every person deserves good health care, not just those with a high profile disease such as cancer. Those charities to do with children or cute animals can easily raise money, but those to do with unpopular causes such as facial disfigurement or leprosy etc don't do so well, but don't they deserve good care too? So yes, I would stop charities operating, and I would expect the government to take over their role and fund all causes equally and fairly instead.

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6 years and counting still on his Metalhead still on his hate campaign against Heart Foundation and Oxfam, is it not about time you let this vendetta go, why is it that only want to point out the negatives of what these charities are doing and not the positves about how these charities have helped millions of people around the World who are suffering. If you think you can do a better job, why dont you apply to work for these charities and help them become better at improving the services they provide.

Start your own charity and you raise the millions of pounds a year to help improve the lives of those less fortunate people in the World these charities are helping and then Heart Foundation and Oxfam would gladly step aside if you was providing a better run service.

It makes me wonder though, would this make you happy person! whom could you have a hate campaign against if you are the only charity, or just maybe you be too busy to be criterising others.

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I say speak for yourself!

As the last post stated as well as my post is that it is not allowed and the volunteers I know would never dream of taking the best for themselves they are far too honest :P


Of course it's not allowed! But it happens.

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No one other than students and/or Pensioners goes in charity shops anyway,


You don't know as much as you think then because I shop in charity shops, had some fabulous things from there and I am neither a student nor a pensioner. My daughter loves looking in charity shops and picking up a few books or a toy.


Rich you are talking garbage, lots of different folk go in charity shops me included - as recycling/reusing has become more important it is very fashionable to pick up a bargain in a charity shop. The extra care shop at Hillsborough Barracks is always busy and full of customers whenever you go past.


Ditto. What kind of a totally wrong observation is this?! I am neither a student nor pensioner and am a frequent charity shopper as are plenty of people I know.


Ditto. I get most of my clothes from charity shops and I'm not a student or pensioner either.

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There you open up a completely new can of worms, because I would absolutely agree with you that charities should stop operating.


The vital work they do should not be left to luck and charitable donations as to whether it happens. The research they fund should be done for the good of everyone, not only if a fundraiser has a good day. The roles that they do should be done by government, not by charities at all. Every person deserves good health care, not just those with a high profile disease such as cancer. Those charities to do with children or cute animals can easily raise money, but those to do with unpopular causes such as facial disfigurement or leprosy etc don't do so well, but don't they deserve good care too? So yes, I would stop charities operating, and I would expect the government to take over their role and fund all causes equally and fairly instead.


I am sat here writing this reply with a tears in my eyes, Hennypenny you have obviously never known anyone with Cancer or Heart Disease and i hope you never do! PLEASE visit some of the Patients in Sheffield Western Park Cancer Hospital and tell them face to face that they should not rely on the good will of other people to help pay for the treatment they are having. Could you do that? could you really take away their hope their families hope.


Have you not heard the government has no money, why do you think they so many cuts happening. Good Will of ordinary people is needed more now than ever, so thank God there are less people who think like you around.

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