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Charity shops more expensive than mainstream shops.

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I am sat here writing this reply with a tears in my eyes, Hennypenny you have obviously never known anyone with Cancer or Heart Disease and i hope you never do! PLEASE visit some of the Patients in Sheffield Western Park Cancer Hospital and tell them face to face that they should not rely on the good will of other people to help pay for the treatment they are having. Could you do that? could you really take away their hope their families hope.


Have you not heard the government has no money, why do you think they so many cuts happening. Good Will of ordinary people is needed more now than ever, so thank God there are less people who think like you around.


Sharman, you have no right to get personal like this. It is one year this week since my husband's funeral, age 51. No matter what my personal experience, I still believe that funding should be equal and fair for everyone, not dependent on the hard work of good people or the whim of the public. What about the unpopular causes, such as psoriasis etc, do they not deserve equal funding? My sister in law works as a fundraiser for a relatively unpopular charity, no matter how hard she works, they don't get the funding they need to do the vital work that is needed. As to where the government could find the money, how about spending a bit less on wars?

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Hennypenny i am sorry for your loss, i have also had family that has died in the last year from Cancer and Heart Disease, also 5 years ago a granddaughter aged 10 of menegitis, which is a another charity that depends on the Good Will of people.

People start charities up by helping to raise awareness and asking for money from caring people, because the government can not and will not give enough funds to everyone in need. What i am saying is just because the government cant or wont help, should everyone else stop trying to help those in need.

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Hennypenny i am sorry for your loss, i have also had family that has died in the last year from Cancer and Heart Disease, also 5 years ago a granddaughter aged 10 of menegitis, which is a another charity that depends on the Good Will of people.

People start charities up by helping to raise awareness and asking for money from caring people, because the government can not and will not give enough funds to everyone in need. What i am saying is just because the government cant or wont help, should everyone else stop trying to help those in need.


No, I don't think people should stop trying to help, to fill the vaccuum. What I am saying is that the vacuum should not exist. If there is help needed then it shouldn't be dependent on the will of good people to get it, because what happens if you get the illness or situation where there are no good people willing to help? All causes should have the same chance of funding, no matter how unpopular.

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Hennypenny i apologise for getting angry with you, i believe i misunderstood what you were trying to say. My Gripe is not with you. I believe that what you were trying to say that in an ideal world you would like the government to fund all charities in need, so there wouldnt be any need for charities asking the public for money. i am afraid that this will never happen, the government will tell you they do not have the money. This why ordinary people like your sister-in-law have to become champions for the unheard people in raising awareness. I Praise anyone like your sister-in-law and wish her the best for trying to help people less fortunate than herself.

I did not come on here to Get into this with you, it was to more to do with other people who have been using this site for years as their ownpersonal hate campaign domain, which i know is not you, i am sorry for any upset that i have caused you.

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Hennypenny i apologise for getting angry with you, i believe i misunderstood what you were trying to say. My Gripe is not with you. I believe that what you were trying to say that in an ideal world you would like the government to fund all charities in need, so there wouldnt be any need for charities asking the public for money. i am afraid that this will never happen, the government will tell you they do not have the money. This why ordinary people like your sister-in-law have to become champions for the unheard people in raising awareness. I Praise anyone like your sister-in-law and wish her the best for trying to help people less fortunate than herself.

I did not come on here to Get into this with you, it was to more to do with other people who have been using this site for years as their ownpersonal hate campaign domain, which i know is not you, i am sorry for any upset that i have caused you.


Ok, thank you.

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6 years and counting still on his Metalhead still on his hate campaign against Heart Foundation and Oxfam, is it not about time you let this vendetta go, why is it that only want to point out the negatives of what these charities are doing and not the positves about how these charities have helped millions of people around the World who are suffering. If you think you can do a better job, why dont you apply to work for these charities and help them become better at improving the services they provide.

Start your own charity and you raise the millions of pounds a year to help improve the lives of those less fortunate people in the World these charities are helping and then Heart Foundation and Oxfam would gladly step aside if you was providing a better run service.

It makes me wonder though, would this make you happy person! whom could you have a hate campaign against if you are the only charity, or just maybe you be too busy to be criterising others.


It is a strange world when posting a critical thread on a forum about charities throwing away the things they are donated rather than trying to sell them to raise money, amounts to a hate campaign. Clearly then I have it all wrong: charities are wonderful organisations, they never do anything wrong, and we must never be allowed to criticise them. Have a nice day.

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Perhaps they are thinking of buying things for their sons/boyfriends/husbands?


Rule number 1 in life:Don't let your Mrs buy your clothes, you'll end up looking right effeminate

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Metalman criticising is one thing, but every single time someone dares to put anything about to donating to The Heart Foundation or Oxfam, or says anything nice about the charities, you name flashes up, telling them under no circumstances should they do that.

You have had it in for the two charities for over 5 years now and if that is not abuse of the rules of this forum and dont know what is then.

You never answered my challenge to you about getting a job with these charities so you could help to improve them?

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We've stopped giving to certain charity shops as some of the best items don't reach the shelves


I was asked how I know.......because someone who works in one as good as boasted that they had bought something of value, which had been donated, at a small fraction of the true value. That's as good as theft in my eyes.

Another person told my wife that stuff she had, which had been donated, had been bought by her. It never reached the shelves.

Is that fair???

Edited by davyboy
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Metalman criticising is one thing, but every single time someone dares to put anything about to donating to The Heart Foundation or Oxfam, or says anything nice about the charities, you name flashes up, telling them under no circumstances should they do that.

You have had it in for the two charities for over 5 years now and if that is not abuse of the rules of this forum and dont know what is then.

You never answered my challenge to you about getting a job with these charities so you could help to improve them?


I object to their policy of pulping old books. So if someone's going to donate old books to any of these charities then obviously I will tell them not to. And it's not just those charities - most of them are at it. I have never said anything about people donating anything other than books. So exactly how is that abuse of the forum rules? Perhaps you could point me to the bit in the rules that I'm supposed to have abused? And if I'm supposed to have done so, why haven't you reported my posts? Your bullying attitude towards both myself and hennypenny won't win you many friends.


I already have a job, so I don't need to get another one. What I do know is that over the last 40 years I must have donated thousands of pounds to charity by buying things from charity shops. Most of it was back in the old days when charities were charities not greedy corporations - it's very rare I buy anything from one now. And the way this thread's going it looks increasingly unlikely that I'll do so in the future.

Edited by metalman
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