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'Hemp Oil' Cancer cure ?

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My wife has a form of skin cancer and is having a piece of her face removed in a few weeks.

The other night i recorded a programme on showcase (ch 201(sky) the programmes description on 'info' was 'Run From The Cure' a documentary about hemp oil as a cure for cancers,but wasn't the programme on.

so iv'e looked for it on the net and here it is.


Seems this is well worth a try but against the law :confused:

Apparently it's the THC that does the trick so the stuff from the fishing tackle or health food shop is not appropriate.

So looks like my wife is gonna be disfigured because you can't patent a plant.

Anyone know someone that's tried it .(as a cancer cure)?

Here's some info on the guy that discovered it.-


Rick Simpson, who initially made the oil as a way to get the medicinal benefit of cannabis without smoking the plant. It wasn't long before he realized that hemp oil was the ideal way that cannabis should be utilized.


Rick discovered the true power of hemp oil after he was diagnosed with skin cancer in late 2002. While one part of the cancer was removed surgically, two parts remained. Rick remembered hearing a report that THC, the main ingredient in cannabis, killed cancer cells, so he put hemp oil on the cancerous sites, and in only four days, the skin cancer was gone. Since 1974, there have been dozens of studies showing that THC and other cannabinoids are effective in killing cancer cells and alleviating dozens of other conditions (and hemp oil has all these cannabinoids, but in concentrated form).


Naturally, Rick was amazed, and went to tell his doctor of how he cured himself. This was when the hard truth hit Rick; nobody wanted to listen to him. Both the receptionist and doctor were outraged at what Rick had to say, even though his news was very positive. In reality, a natural cure like hemp oil would put many doctors out of business, and too many people are afraid to lose the careers they have worked so hard for. It is terrible, but psychologically, it makes sense.


Reminded me of what,years ago,someone told me is in the bible


Ezekiel 47:12 says:


"Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.” NKJ

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Whilst I wish your wife all the luck in the world in getting well soon, I'd question how using a natural plant extract would drive doctors out of business?


The doctors I know go often go above the call of duty in trying to cure their patients of cancer, to suggest they they would put a financial reward above this calling, is highly questionable at best.

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Whilst I wish your wife all the luck in the world in getting well soon, I'd question how using a natural plant extract would drive doctors out of business?


The doctors I know go often go above the call of duty in trying to cure their patients of cancer, to suggest they they would put a financial reward above this calling, is highly questionable at best.


You can't blame the doctors, they don't make it illegal. I assume he was talking about American doctors, who are for profit, but still.


It's the drug companies that can't patent it & make monopoly profits from supplying it (but they can from competing drugs). It's the drug companies that control the government through massive bribes (er lobbying, sorry).


Read about Eddy Lepp.

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You can't blame the doctors, they don't make it illegal. I assume he was talking about American doctors, who are for profit, but still.


It's the drug companies that can't patent it & make monopoly profits from supplying it (but they can from competing drugs). It's the drug companies that control the government through massive bribes (er lobbying, sorry).


Read about Eddy Lepp.


A patent for a drug only lasts for so long, and then the other companies can make them as a generic drug. You're right about some aspects of the American healthcare being messed up, for example diamorphine isn't licensed for use there.


I've also never understood why there is such an issue to the medicinal use of cannabis, as medicinal versions of other street drugs like cocaine, ketamine and heroine are used regularly here in the UK.

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A patent for a drug only lasts for so long, and then the other companies can make them as a generic drug. You're right about some aspects of the American healthcare being messed up, for example diamorphine isn't licensed for use there.


I've also never understood why there is such an issue to the medicinal use of cannabis, as medicinal versions of other street drugs like cocaine, ketamine and heroine are used regularly here in the UK.


The government has given up on evidence-based policy making with regard to drugs. We're now firmly in the land of fairy tales.


Last week's police reform and social responsibility bill contains a clause scrapping the requirement for the home secretary to appoint at least six scientists to the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD). So that's that then. They've admitted it. The drugs war has nothing to do with reality. It is now to be based entirely on fairy tales.

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I remember when my dad was dying and i too searched the net for "cures" ( i know your wife isn't dying, thank fully) But i cant remember the details of it but i too found some "cures" that were linked to hemp and other plants, It was an American article and it was saying that because it wasn't man made it meant the government couldn't put a tax on it so they would patent it as medicine, Or something like that, It was 6 yrs ago now that i read it, I do believe that the government would do that, the only reason cannabis is illegal is because they cant put vat on it and you could grow it yourself, I don't do drugs nor condemn or condone them

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A patent for a drug only lasts for so long, and then the other companies can make them as a generic drug. You're right about some aspects of the American healthcare being messed up, for example diamorphine isn't licensed for use there.


I've also never understood why there is such an issue to the medicinal use of cannabis, as medicinal versions of other street drugs like cocaine, ketamine and heroine are used regularly here in the UK.


True, patents only last for so long, but the list of medical uses for cannabis is quite long. It could compete with lots of drugs under patent now & in the future. Painkillers, anti-sickness drugs, glaucoma, it's a really long list. Ketamine isn't quite so useful. Cocaine isn't used in medicine any more, as they have synthetic analogues which are better for local anaesthetics.


They tend to use synthetic opiates more in the US, methadone would be prescribed to patients that might get diamorphine here.

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OP if you're into natural remedies.. google "Essiac Tea" very interesting read and I've heard nothing but good about it. I know if ever either my family or me are faced with something such as that I'll be trying it.


I hope you and your wife are coping ok

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