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'Hemp Oil' Cancer cure ?

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True, patents only last for so long, but the list of medical uses for cannabis is quite long. It could compete with lots of drugs under patent now & in the future. Painkillers, anti-sickness drugs, glaucoma, it's a really long list. Ketamine isn't quite so useful. Cocaine isn't used in medicine any more, as they have synthetic analogues which are better for local anaesthetics.


They tend to use synthetic opiates more in the US, methadone would be prescribed to patients that might get diamorphine here.


I disagree, Ketamine is a really useful analgesic, especially for people who for one reason or another have a high opiate tolerance, and need pain relief for severe acute pain.


Cocaine paste is used a lot for nasal surgery amongst other things, for both as an analgesic and a vasoconstrictor. It's usually known as Moffat's solution, but there are other strengths available.

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OP if you're into natural remedies.. google "Essiac Tea" very interesting read and I've heard nothing but good about it. I know if ever either my family or me are faced with something such as that I'll be trying it.


I hope you and your wife are coping ok


Thankyou all for your kindness.

She actually had the surgery a few days ago and has got away with it quite lightly,quite a small scar compared with the worst case scenario.

I did put feelers out for some oil to try but apparently it is rare , expensive and unavailable anyway it seems .

I have seen a method of extraction i'm considering as she has others (yet to be confirmed).The thing is i risk arrest obviously and theres a possiblity of blowing myself up (due to the use of butane).

Should be ok though if sensible about it.

Only need a wee bit applied onto a plaster and has quite rapid results.

I'll let you know what happens.


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I disagree, Ketamine is a really useful analgesic, especially for people who for one reason or another have a high opiate tolerance, and need pain relief for severe acute pain.


Cocaine paste is used a lot for nasal surgery amongst other things, for both as an analgesic and a vasoconstrictor. It's usually known as Moffat's solution, but there are other strengths available.


And both ketamine and methadone are very useful as painkillers for people who get very violent sickness and side effects when using opiates which work via the standard opiate µ receptor. Ketamine, methadone, dextromethorphan, nitrous oxide and a few other drugs work as NMDA receptor antagonists so produce the potent painkilling, but without the sickness or as much of the spaced feeling that patients can get with regular opiates.


I'm one of the people who get side effects so serious from using morphine that I'd rather have the pain than the opiates (and that was true after huge surgery- I couldn't deal with vomiting so much that I had to have a tube put in my throat in order not to aspirate my own vomit) and methadone is one of my daily painkillers.

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And to get back to the point of the OP:


I only believe that a drug has efficacy after a whole series of randomly grouped double blind placebo controlled studies, which take huge amounts of money and often years to organise and complete.


I used to work in drug regulation and have seen quite how easy it can be to either sway results by expecting a drug to work (or not work) and how easy it is to confuse 'it worked in my case' with 'but that could be a total fluke and when exposed to hundreds of people that didn't stand up'.


If and when someone I respect does a set of decent trials on this and it proves to be effective then I'll believe it. Until then I'm afraid that I see this as clutching at straws, in the same way that a lot of 'cancer cures' seem to do.


Don't get me wrong in this- I've spent a lot of my life fighting cancer (twice) and if my cancer returns then there genuinely will be nothing that anybody can do for me because there's no chemo shown to work in my tumour and I've had a full lifetime dose of radiotherapy, so I'm not speaking from the glib position of one who hasn't had the fear and reality of dealing with cancer. I've just seen way too many people who appear out of the woodwork with 'miracle cures' which cost a lot of money and are very short on proof in my time, and the vast majority of them are trading on the fear of others to make a profit.


Objective proof is the way to go- when this treatment has it then I will start to believe that it's not a way to part a scared person and their money.

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It could come to something but without the kind of trial described above, you won't know.

Believe it or not, a Harvard study released on April 17, 2007 shows that the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread!


Researchers at Harvard tested the chemical THC in both lab and mouse studies. They say this is the first set of experiments to show that the compound, THC actually activates naturally produced receptors to fight off lung cancer. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.


Although a medical substitute of THC, known as Marinol, has been used as an appetite stimulant for cancer patients and other similar treatments, few studies have shown that THC might have anti-tumor activity.


*HERE IS THE INTERESTING PART* The only clinical trial testing THC as a treatment against cancer growth was a recently completed British pilot study. For three weeks, researchers injected standard doses of THC into mice that had been implanted with human lung cancer cells, and found that tumors were reduced in size and weight by about 50 percent in treated animals compared to a control group. There was also about a 60 percent reduction in cancer lesions on the lungs in these mice as well as a significant reduction in protein markers associated with cancer progression.


On the other hand, it's unlikely to do any harm.


Just remember that this is a plant, and the extraction method you referred to can be conducted safely. Just use the internet and your common sense.


Of course, what you would be producing for your wife would qualify as production of a Class B drug, carrying with it the maximum penalty of 14 years imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.

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