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The Tory ministers of the 80's should be put on trial for the Ridley plan.

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You didn't get bricks through your window every night because he dared to go to work. He got bricks through his window because he sold his workmates and their communities down the river for short term personal gain.


That doesn't make what happened right, but the damage your father did was far greater than a few broken windows.


There you go people - that's the ugly side of labour. The side they don't want you to see. The side where it's far better for a man to starve, for children to be injured and rendered unconscious, all for the greater good of the working class man. Far quicker to condemn the scab than the criticise the attacks on a defenceless child and family. I won't expect an apology, but if you were going to dont bother cos you can stuff it up youor arse where the mouth is that it came from. How many bricks did you throw Wildcat?


oh, btw - he didn't strike because firstly he wasnt a union man as they'd screwed up his membership, and I dont ever recall there being a ballot.

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There were individual ballots at pits and area ballots, the absence of a media demanded national one does not mean there were none. The Notts scabs were not interested in ballots when it came to incentive payments so they could earn more brass either. To refresh your memory the union nationally voted no but Notts and others said "bugger that, I want more money for me". They were not noble principled men, just blokes who saw their mortgages and XR3i's under more threat from Scargill than Thatcher. What happened to the loyal scabs after the strike? First to get sacked and all lost their jobs within ten years despite Tory promises. They thought they could do a deal with the enemy.


Nobody likes traitors in any body of men, simple as that and they always get punished, this was not restricted to labour, how naive. Were the vast majority of strikers supposed to say "we respect your very sincere selfishness and short sightedness and the ruin of our industry and way of life that will follow therefore we will leave you alone"?

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He died three decades later - that's hardly dying from his "mistreatment"


If he hadnt broke the law he wouldnt be inside now would he. I expect you beleive he was kept on bread and water in a rat infested cell or summat.


Facts, facts, facts. There was no law breaking in the eyes of a police inspector who watched Warren's activities on the days in question and saw no need for prosecution. A judge later on decided there was. Work that one out Sherlock.

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There you go people - that's the ugly side of labour. The side they don't want you to see. The side where it's far better for a man to starve, for children to be injured and rendered unconscious, all for the greater good of the working class man. Far quicker to condemn the scab than the criticise the attacks on a defenceless child and family. I won't expect an apology, but if you were going to dont bother cos you can stuff it up youor arse where the mouth is that it came from. How many bricks did you throw Wildcat?


oh, btw - he didn't strike because firstly he wasnt a union man as they'd screwed up his membership, and I dont ever recall there being a ballot.


Stuff you too. I never said what happened was right.


But, your Dad would have done better to throw a brick through every one of his neighbours windows. At least they might still have jobs.

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Stuff you too. I never said what happened was right.


But, your Dad would have done better to throw a brick through every one of his neighbours windows. At least they might still have jobs.


Your inaction to say otherwise speaks volumes. Nasty Tories? Like Labour who appear to think it perfectly acceptable to assualt and injure children :loopy:


As for throwing bricks himself he didn't. He had morals and ethics - something you pair wouldnt understand in a thousand years.

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Your inaction to say otherwise speaks volumes. Nasty Tories? Like Labour who appear to think it perfectly acceptable to assualt and injure children :loopy:


As for throwing bricks himself he didn't. He had morals and ethics - something you pair wouldnt understand in a thousand years.

if you think betraying your workmates is moral then you are beyond reason.

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Your inaction to say otherwise speaks volumes. Nasty Tories? Like Labour who appear to think it perfectly acceptable to assualt and injure children :loopy:


As for throwing bricks himself he didn't. He had morals and ethics - something you pair wouldnt understand in a thousand years.


Well said.


No, very well said.


Strikers lose all support and respect when their official picket goes beyond the picket line and into people's homes.

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There's Labour for you again - doesnt matter kids are starving, wife is starving, but we got a strikebreaker - us must smash, Mong not like scabs, us must smash. :loopy:


I don't need lessons in morality from someone who would sell their workmates down the river for money.

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I don't need lessons in morality from someone who would sell their workmates down the river for money.


No - you just need lessons in humanity. Youy can then work on morals later.


Tell me when it's acceptable to injure and intimidate children again will you?

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