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The Tory ministers of the 80's should be put on trial for the Ridley plan.

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No - you just need lessons in humanity. Youy can then work on morals later.


Tell me when it's acceptable to injure and intimidate children again will you?


Perhaps you should read back through my posts, because as I suspect you know, far from needing to state something again, I have never condoned such behaviour. The fact you have to start making stuff up about what I have said to make your point is telling.


What I have said is that backstabbing your work colleagues, particularly in a dispute like the miners' strike where people were defending not just their jobs but their communities is a worse crime than smashing a window, it is more like smashing the windows of everyone's house on the estate.


Before pontificating about humanity, perhaps you should consider where the humanity was in destroying the livelihoods of your community?

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Well said.


No, very well said.


Strikers lose all support and respect when their official picket goes beyond the picket line and into people's homes.


But then you don't respect people that go on strike anyway.


So the fact you will use any excuse to rubbish a dispute only goes to confirm how shallow you are.

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I don't need lessons in morality from someone who would sell their workmates down the river for money.



I'm sorry Wildcat but some of your comments on this thread are a disgrace. You must be a very brave man to advocate throwing bricks through people's windows and threatening their children just because you disagree with their opinions. Would you be brave enough to say it to people's faces rather than from the safety of your student bedsit?


Once the mask of respectability slips, it's clear that the union movement is all about bullying and intimidation. The whole concept of trade unions belongs in the victorian era and has no place in modern society.

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Tell me - is it considered acceptable for that "voice" to be throwing rocks through someones windows every night, just because they dared to go to work to earn money?


That's what my father had to endure, and that's why I have a scar on my noggin to this day.


If your dad was one of the brave men who stood up to the union bullies by breaking the strike he's a true working class hero. You should be proud of him and his actions.

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No poster on this thread has supported the use of violence as a means to achieve a resolution of an industrial dispute. The strike breaking miners who went back to work only did so because they were very weak people. They betrayed their communities and their class, never to be trusted by their co-workers again.


I have met a number of these scabs. I only feel pity for them, not anger. Today they are broken, very sad people.

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No poster on this thread has supported the use of violence as a means to achieve a resolution of an industrial dispute. The strike breaking miners who went back to work only did so because they were very weak people. They betrayed their communities and their class, never to be trusted by their co-workers again.


I have met a number of these scabs. I only feel pity for them, not anger. Today they are broken, very sad people.


In that case you have misunderstood their motives. They didn't go back to work to make a political point, they did it because they were starving and wanted to support their families.


It must have taken a lot of guts to do what was morally right when the union bullyboys were trying to intimidate them into doing as they were told.

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I'm sorry Wildcat but some of your comments on this thread are a disgrace. You must be a very brave man to advocate throwing bricks through people's windows and threatening their children just because you disagree with their opinions. Would you be brave enough to say it to people's faces rather than from the safety of your student bedsit?


Once the mask of respectability slips, it's clear that the union movement is all about bullying and intimidation. The whole concept of trade unions belongs in the victorian era and has no place in modern society.


Maybe you can point out where I have said anything resembling that?

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Perhaps you should read back through my posts, because as I suspect you know, far from needing to state something again, I have never condoned such behaviour. The fact you have to start making stuff up about what I have said to make your point is telling.


What I have said is that backstabbing your work colleagues, particularly in a dispute like the miners' strike where people were defending not just their jobs but their communities is a worse crime than smashing a window, it is more like smashing the windows of everyone's house on the estate.


Before pontificating about humanity, perhaps you should consider where the humanity was in destroying the livelihoods of your community?


Your inaction previously, and your inaction now speaks volumes about your motives and sympathy.


The crime wasn't just smashing a window. It was a direct assualt on a man and his family by fear and intimidation. By tacitly supporting that you are lower than the lowest - rule by fear - no better than a tinpot banana dictator.

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The Notts scabs were not interested in ballots


I seem to recall the miner's strike ended because more than 50% of NUM members went back to work.

That must mean 50+% of the union were 'scabs'. That or 50+% of the members were showing Scargill was wrong.

I recall people that were sneaking into work because they were in fear of their and their families safety. It was the violent union activists they were afraid off.

The strike would have been a lot shorter if Scargill's dogs had been kept on a lead.

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