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The Tory ministers of the 80's should be put on trial for the Ridley plan.

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In that case you have misunderstood their motives. They didn't go back to work to make a political point, they did it because they were starving and wanted to support their families.


I understand their position extremely well. I admit that they acted bravely in going against the will of the majority of their co-workers in the coal-mining industry, but it was also a very selfish form of bravery. A bravery that eventually sold themselves and their co-workers out of economic existence. The men I have spoken to feel ashamed of themselves, and wish that they could do it all differently. But, of course, they can't turn back time...


It must have taken a lot of guts to do what was morally right when the union bullyboys were trying to intimidate them into doing as they were told.


It was morally right to strike. Scargill was correct about the Thatcher government. Thatcher was a very ideological woman, she knew that by breaking the miners it would weaken every trade union, thus weakening workers themselves. We ended up importing coal from places like South America, where children were paid a pittance to mine coal and (supposedly) reduce costs for the UK.


The strike breaking miners I know have never worked since they lost their jobs.

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I understand their position extremely well. I admit that they acted bravely in going against the will of the majority of their co-workers in the coal-mining industry, but it was also a very selfish form of bravery. A bravery that eventually sold themselves and their co-workers out of economic existence. The men I have spoken to feel ashamed of themselves, and wish that they could do it all differently. But, of course, they can't turn back time...




It was morally right to strike. Scargill was correct about the Thatcher government. Thatcher was a very ideological woman, she knew that by breaking the miners it would weaken every trade union, thus weakening workers themselves. We ended up importing coal from places like South America, where children were paid a pittance to mine coal and (supposedly) reduce costs for the UK.


The strike breaking miners I know have never worked since they lost their jobs.



The only people that it sold out of existence were the dinsaurs who were then happy to take and not consider other work. My father seems to be doing rather well for himself after deciding to make a career for himself in electronics, oddly all of his freinds, all ex miners are doing well too.


Of course, they were prepared to get off their arses and work, which may have something to do with it.

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Your inaction previously, and your inaction now speaks volumes about your motives and sympathy.


The crime wasn't just smashing a window. It was a direct assualt on a man and his family by fear and intimidation. By tacitly supporting that you are lower than the lowest - rule by fear - no better than a tinpot banana dictator.


Since I have condemned the smashing of your window, do you not think it a given from my comments any other attacks on you or your family are also condemned. :rolleyes:


You are only repeating your point to distract from the issue.


Whether you were unfairly treated or not makes no difference to the fact that by looking to himself and his family first, above that of his community your father was being selfish and by any altruistic standard immoral and that in the context of a dispute about the preservation of communities up and down the country a selfish traitorous act that is not so easily forgiven.

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The only people that it sold out of existence were the dinsaurs who were then happy to take and not consider other work. My father seems to be doing rather well for himself after deciding to make a career for himself in electronics, oddly all of his freinds, all ex miners are doing well too.


Of course, they were prepared to get off their arses and work, which may have something to do with it.


Because the mining communities received so much investment didn't they? Thatcher created an economic miracle in those communities. :rolleyes:


Why am I not surprised you have so little understanding or compassion for those that the state stamped on in revenge. Like father like son (or daughter).

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Since I have condemned the smashing of your window, do you not think it a given from my comments any other attacks on you or your family are also condemned. :rolleyes:


You are only repeating your point to distract from the issue.


Whether you were unfairly treated or not makes no difference to the fact that by looking to himself and his family first, above that of his community your father was being selfish and by any altruistic standard immoral and that in the context of a dispute about the preservation of communities up and down the country a selfish traitorous act that is not so easily forgiven.


No I dont - especially considering your vitrolic and bitter attack on my father - a man you never knew and never had anything to do with. You are now trying to weasel your way out from your stance - but that's what weasels do don't you. Like all of them - resort to violence when you can't get your way and then whine and pule and point at "solidarity" with the comrades when it gets a bit hot.


There is a reason people like you got chucked on the scrapheap after the strike. It's because you were worthless and unwanted.


Now you can have your last whine and pule back - I'm not debating you any more - you are beneath contempt and the sheer fact I and my family made something of our lives despite your odious mob is all the victory I need.

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Not bizzare at all, the 3 day week was a blip, this banker caused recession has lasted years, it's effects are ongoing and we may be heading for a double dip. Bonuses are flowing again and bankers have threatened a mass exodus if the government dares interfere with their 'rights'.


The miners withdrew their labour, they did not demand a revolution/election. When Heath mentioned calling one Scargill told him there was no need. Heath ignored Mr Revolution and called it and lost, hung by his own petard. Facts please just the facts.



So it's OK for the miners to strike, but not the bankers?


I smell hypocrisy.

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It's generally believed that a pre-requisite of being a martyr is that people could care less whether you live or die.


Still, Ricky Tomlinson got his own back with those Iceland adverts eh?


So the thousands of people that came to protest his convinction in London did not care?


You talk some offensive rubbish at times, and this is one of them.

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