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The Tory ministers of the 80's should be put on trial for the Ridley plan.

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So it's OK for the miners to strike, but not the bankers?


I smell hypocrisy.


Where does he say bankers shouldn't go on strike?


I thought the mod warning was to keep us to what people have said, not continue making up strawmen to knock down.

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No I dont - especially considering your vitrolic and bitter attack on my father - a man you never knew and never had anything to do with. You are now trying to weasel your way out from your stance - but that's what weasels do don't you. Like all of them - resort to violence when you can't get your way and then whine and pule and point at "solidarity" with the comrades when it gets a bit hot.


There is a reason people like you got chucked on the scrapheap after the strike. It's because you were worthless and unwanted.


Now you can have your last whine and pule back - I'm not debating you any more - you are beneath contempt and the sheer fact I and my family made something of our lives despite your odious mob is all the victory I need.


The fact you value yourself above your community, is all anyone needs to know.


You weren't debating before anyway. Just making up strawmen to knock down.

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So the thousands of people that came to protest his convinction in London did not care?


You talk some offensive rubbish at times, and this is one of them.


I refer you to esme's answer above since your original offensive post and my polite reply was deleted.

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The fact you value yourself above your community, is all anyone needs to know.


You weren't debating before anyway. Just making up strawmen to knock down.



A man's greatest loyalty should always be to his family. His children didn't choose to go on strike so why should they be punished for the undemocratic actions of the trade unions?

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It is the absolute right of employees to organise collectively when faced with work conditions that are unacceptable, or job losses that could easily be avoided. These are the founding principles of Unionism.


The men who went out on strike were legally and democratically withdrawing their labour to protect the long-term interests of their industry. We now import coal at a huge cost, simply because Maggie wanted to make a name for herself.

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Your inaction to say otherwise speaks volumes. Nasty Tories? Like Labour who appear to think it perfectly acceptable to assualt and injure children :loopy:


As for throwing bricks himself he didn't. He had morals and ethics - something you pair wouldnt understand in a thousand years.


How does scabbing equate to morals and ethics? Suffering for a year to protect thousands of people is more moral and ethical. You also know the miners who refused to strike were discarded once the NUM was beaten.

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I'm sorry Wildcat but some of your comments on this thread are a disgrace. You must be a very brave man to advocate throwing bricks through people's windows and threatening their children just because you disagree with their opinions. Would you be brave enough to say it to people's faces rather than from the safety of your student bedsit?


Once the mask of respectability slips, it's clear that the union movement is all about bullying and intimidation. The whole concept of trade unions belongs in the victorian era and has no place in modern society.


Well he doesn't advocate that so your point is void.

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