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The Tory ministers of the 80's should be put on trial for the Ridley plan.

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:hihi::hihi::hihi: you actually beleive this which is hilarious. You clearly never had to live through this time bucko otherwise you wouldnt post such totally wrong remarks.


I did live through it, I was a child but remember it clearly, miners lived on my street. I have spent a million hours studying this subject in adulthood and eating spam or beans everyday for weeks is not starvation. If you are trying to say people literally starved (to death?) then I'd like to see some reference please.

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I did live through it, I was a child but remember it clearly, miners lived on my street. I have spent a million hours studying this subject in adulthood and eating spam or beans everyday for weeks is not starvation. If you are trying to say people literally starved (to death?) then I'd like to see some reference please.


Stop moving goalposts - you said "starved" you can't add "to death" and weasel out of that.

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Don't they? Have you ever been in the City of London on a Friday night? What about the chaps of the Bullingdon Club what?


The mines at the time provided the majority of the nations power.


I'm sat in the City at the moment M'lad. I don't see people bricking windows - well I do - but they were the students - another bunch whining they didn't get what they wanted.


Seems to be a thing amongst left wingers.

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Stop moving goalposts - you said "starved" you can't add "to death" and weasel out of that.


No, I put to death in brackets with a question mark to seek clarification.


People got hungry but not going for days without food, that is my understanding of starvation. As it didn't affect you I'm surprised you are an expert on strikers eating habits.

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I'm sat in the City at the moment M'lad. I don't see people bricking windows - well I do - but they were the students - another bunch whining they didn't get what they wanted.


Seems to be a thing amongst left wingers.


Really? Last time we spoke you were some kind of Yorkshire knife carrying woodsman or is that your weekend getaway?


I'll take your word for it but don't for a minute pretend that drunken rugger bugger city types are all gentlemen!


Maybe it is a thing among left wingers, I am apparently a right wing reactionary according to some on the forum so I wouldn't know old bean.

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No, I put to death in brackets with a question mark to seek clarification.


People got hungry but not going for days without food, that is my understanding of starvation. As it didn't affect you I'm surprised you are an expert on strikers eating habits.


As you were a child at the time - I'm amazed you are an expert.


(hint - you don't have the only monopoly on knowledge btw)

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As you were a child at the time - I'm amazed you are an expert.


(hint - you don't have the only monopoly on knowledge btw)


No I don't but this is one subject where I speak with total confidence as I have put so much time into studying it. I could be wrong on some aspects of it but very unlikely.


At the time I was 8, so a brat yes but old enough to understand what was going on.

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The Ridley plan/report: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridley_Plan


The Thatcher governments intention was to destroy the unions, the mining industry and the community that depended on it.


How have they gotten away with this act of state aggression against its citizens?


The Neoliberal Laissez Faire Capitalists of Thatcher's (Keith Joseph's and Milton Friedman's) Conservative Party sought to bring down the Unions, what a surprise !


The real surprise is that despite having 6 years notice the Unions fell for it.


The Cons don't disguise the fact that 'The Market' is their God.


The Unions on the other hand were/are charged with securing the best deal that they can for their members, given that they are operating in an environment that is a neoliberal capitalist system, they have to leverage the insignificant power of the individual worker by using strategy and the concerted action of the whole membership.


The Strategy in the particular case of the 'Miners' was woefully inadequate.

To strike at the end of winter with a massive stockpile of coal reserves built up was a tactical disaster.


Did the Union make a negligent but honest mistake?


Probably not, the raison d'etre for the Strike never was to advance the cause of the membership but merely to use the Membership, its funds and of course the withdrawal of its own labour to advance the Political agenda of the leadership of The NUM and the TUC.


The Unions had about as much concern for British Workers as the Tory Banksters did.


The Tories and The Unions fought to the last worker.


The result is History, Industries gone for ever and Communities destroyed.


The Lab faction of the LibLabCon Party took the reins, Thatcherite policies were kept and even advanced but with much better PR.


The anti Union legislation was never repealed, deregulation and privatisation continued apace.


The Lib faction of the LibLabCon Party has taken its place in the sun and is set to shatter the illusions of its foolish admirers too.


So please remember to reserve plenty of places on the scaffold for the Union leaders and the LibLab Politicos to join their Con Comrades.

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Did the Union make a negligent but honest mistake?


Probably not, the raison d'etre for the Strike never was to advance the cause of the membership but merely to use the Membership, its funds and of course the withdrawal of its own labour to advance the Political agenda of the leadership of The NUM and the TUC.


The membership imposed the strike on the union, as a result of the NCB's provocation. The spontaneous walkouts all over the country and the Emergency meeting was what started the dispute. The Leadership of the NUM had little option but to support what had already become a reality. If anyone chose the time and place for the dispute it was the NCB and the Government.


The TUC's role in the dispute like the Labour Parties was lets say this politely.... weak. To say the dispute was run to advance the political agenda of the TUC is utter nonsense.

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I used the minor swear word because you are impugning the character of someone that spent 3 years in prison for no more than blah blah...

No, I said that he wasn't a martyr nor did he fulfil the criteria for being one.


Your ridiculous claim demeans real martyrs.

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