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The Tory ministers of the 80's should be put on trial for the Ridley plan.

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Well as you know there is often a glass of Devil's Advocaat flavouring my posts but on this occasion there doesn't seem to be much (anything?) to really support a miscarriage of justice, underlined by the freedom enjoyed by his partner in crime. As for martyrdom it's difficult to see what cause of consequence there is to be martyred for.


Anyone can be a martyr to their haemorrhoids but nobody else really cares or is affected or wants to know unless they have a special fetish or professional interest.

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I once heard Denis Healey being interviewed on the Parkinson show. He told of a conversation he had with his father about becoming a communist when much younger. Dennis said his father was proud as he said, "If you're no a communist by the time your 18, there's something wrong with your heart. However, he continued, "But if you're still one when you're 28, there's something one with your head".......

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Well as you know there is often a glass of Devil's Advocaat flavouring my posts but on this occasion there doesn't seem to be much (anything?) to really support a miscarriage of justice, underlined by the freedom enjoyed by his partner in crime. As for martyrdom it's difficult to see what cause of consequence there is to be martyred for.


Anyone can be a martyr to their haemorrhoids but nobody else really cares or is affected or wants to know unless they have a special fetish or professional interest.


Have another Egg Nog, and spare us the nonsense then because your post bears no relation to the case or any discussion we have been having.

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I once heard Denis Healey being interviewed on the Parkinson show. He told of a conversation he had with his father about becoming a communist when much younger. Dennis said his father was proud as he said, "If you're no a communist by the time your 18, there's something wrong with your heart. However, he continued, "But if you're still one when you're 28, there's something one with your head".......


Welcome back Mikey10, why did you change your username?

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Have another Egg Nog, and spare us the nonsense then because your post bears no relation to the case or any discussion we have been having.


Rather than chucking around needless invective (make mine a pint) could you explain precisely why you believe there was a miscarriage of justice in court?



(This is wildly off topic, I hope that the OP is OK with it)

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Rather than chucking around needless invective (make mine a pint) could you explain precisely why you believe there was a miscarriage of justice in court?



(This is wildly off topic, I hope that the OP is OK with it)


I have explained it umpteen times.


Do you mean to say you have repeatedly been making insulting comments without even having read the posts you were responding to?


Here are the posts you were responding to without apparently reading them:












Here is an article about it:



And if you have a further interest may I suggest you read his book "The Key to my Cell".

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Not intimidated. More bored by know it alls who know sod all.


I'm far from a tabloid reader. In fact I can't stand the daft rags. (Do know it alls realise why they are called 'rags'?) They print what will sell, not the news.

Books printed by clearly biased persons will tell you little unless you do a lot more than read them. Same goes for the left wing commentary at the time.

Both were printing their own version of the truth and not much of what was really going on.

As for you living through the strike. I lived around and drank with the blokes.

I went past Wath and Manvers main every night at weekends and took the pickets beer. That teaches you a lot more about the blokes and what they were thinking than reading a book ever will. Did you do any research like that? Thought not.

One thing I can tell you for sure is they were hardly likely to tell the truth of their situation and feelings about it so some snotty, loud mouthed kid.


Your degree on the strike is so much bog roll unless you did it properly and that means being there and getting the situation worked out as it was at the time. Some crappy idea worked out from a couple of books and a lot of guess work isn't worth a lot.

Must watch the news more often. There were WMD in Iraq you know. I saw it on the BBC.


You do like to get personal don't you? Why is that? And you call yourself an adult. I didn't say much at the time, just listened.


Bog roll? If you think you know more than a professor from Manchester University feel free, I'm guessing you don't. As I explained I have read more than a couple of books, I have read all of the books including Macgregors and 'Scargill the Stalinist?", another anti strike book. However feel free to ignore sections of information that don't fit in with your agenda, boringly predictable.


So you knew a few anti strike strikers, a bit of a contradiction there but never mind. At the end of the day the majority struck. 140,000 men did not strike because say 5000 militants terrorised them. That defies mathematics before we get onto anything else. I should have mentioned I still know ex miners now but I wasn't going to use them to back up my argument because facts are more important than subjective experiences.


Now for the last time, I have contradicted a lot of your points e.g the communist party told Scargill to call it off. You said they wanted payback. One of us is right. Is it the bloke who has spent a thousand hours studying all sources or you because you lived through it? A modern historian knows more about world war 2 than a soldier who was in it. Why is that do you think?


Finally, please give me a concrete answer to why an NUM victory would have made the UK a communist state?

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