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The Tory ministers of the 80's should be put on trial for the Ridley plan.

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That's because you seem only to be interested in carbon capture as a means to justify coal mining and the politics that goes with it.


It still isn't commercially viable and the numbers certainly aren't favourable.


My link said otherwise.


The price of electricity from North Dakota’s lignite-based power plants remained a bargain at $20.85 per megawatt-hour (MWH) in 2009, less than half the price of electricity from natural gas-based generation, which last year cost $46.37 per MWH, according to Ventyx, Inc.


Electricity prices from North Dakota's lignite-based plants have remained relatively stable for the past 20 years. In 1990, the average cost of a megawatt-hour from lignite-based plants in North Dakota was $15.59. A megawatt-hour of electricity is enough to supply power to roughly 800 homes for one hour.


You seem to have turned things on its head. The decisions made by Thatcher were not justified by environmental arguments, you are trying to rewrite history to justify the indefensible.


She made an economic argument in public, whilst closing down pits like Cortonwood that produced the cheapest Coal in the Coalfield. As I have shown British Coal was cheap by european standards, significantly cheaper than both Germany or France both in terms of subsidy costs and in terms tonnage.


She squandered our resources of North Sea Oil and gas for short term gain, a decision that cost us at least £28 billion and is still costing us because we are now an importer of energy, when we didn't have to have been.

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You didn't get bricks through your window every night because he dared to go to work. He got bricks through his window because he sold his workmates and their communities down the river for short term personal gain.


That doesn't make what happened right, but the damage your father did was far greater than a few broken windows.

Thanks for demonstrating yet again why the Ridley plan was so necessary. Zealots like you who think failing to fall into line with they deem to be the only permissible course of action is worse than attacking someones home and injuring their child simply could not be left in control of the nations electricity supply.

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Come on now, we both know I know my stuff, my long list of corrections to your tap room views


Your opinion as to corrections.


I will also have to apologise for not posting too much on this thread. Internet out here can be a problem. For example, its taken several minutes for this reply page to load.


That and I haven't been able to get into a tap room for a while as there aren't any out here and I would have a real problem finding the time between my full time job as a very highly paid specialist teacher and my part time work lecturing oiks in local universities.

It's trying to get the oiks to understand books and mass media only tell half the story that proves hardest. They tend to be bright but inexperienced, opinionated and believe they know it all.

I've yet to meet one that actually does.

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Thanks for demonstrating yet again why the Ridley plan was so necessary. Zealots like you who think failing to fall into line with they deem to be the only permissible course of action is worse than attacking someones home and injuring their child simply could not be left in control of the nations electricity supply.


I think what I said, not what you say I said :rolleyes:

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Your opinion as to corrections.


I will also have to apologise for not posting too much on this thread. Internet out here can be a problem. For example, its taken several minutes for this reply page to load.


That and I haven't been able to get into a tap room for a while as there aren't any out here and I would have a real problem finding the time between my full time job as a very highly paid specialist teacher and my part time work lecturing oiks in local universities.

It's trying to get the oiks to understand books and mass media only tell half the story that proves hardest. They tend to be bright but inexperienced, opinionated and believe they know it all.

I've yet to meet one that actually does.


My final word on this books over experience issue is that I have read all the sources including ones that are anti Scargill/the strike e.g. the majority. You don't have to take my word for it in post 56, every serious source out there will simply confirm it. In the same way you don't have to believe me if I tell you how gravity works or how a flying buttress is constructed. Every source will confirm it.


Any person today who has studied World War 2 thoroughly knows more about the events of the war than a soldier who only saw action in it.

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In the same way you don't have to believe me if I tell you how gravity works or how a flying buttress is constructed. Every source will confirm it.


Some attention to detail might have made that a more convincing statement.

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No poster on this thread has supported the use of violence as a means to achieve a resolution of an industrial dispute. The strike breaking miners who went back to work only did so because they were very weak people.
I see them as the very opposite.


They had the courage to ignore the bully tactics of the unions and to put their own families first, above the militant left wing agenda of their union leaders.



I find it quite funny that left-wingers fail to understand that their beloved unions try to impose utter tyranny on their members.


Lefties are happy to defy the government, but if anybody dares to defy the mad rantings of their union leaders, then out come the daggers.

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I see them as the very opposite.


They had the courage to ignore the bully tactics of the unions and to put their own families first, above the militant left wing agenda of their union leaders.


I find it quite funny that left-wingers fail to understand that their beloved unions try to impose utter tyranny on their members.


Lefties are happy to defy the government, but if anybody dares to defy the mad rantings of their union leaders, then out come the daggers.


Either you are trolling or you don't seem to have realised unions are essentially the membership. It was the membership that led the dispute, it was them that took the action that precipitated the dispute, Scargill and the NUM leadership followed and supported them, what they are elected to do. The leadership had nothing to do with attacks on scabs, indeed Scargill appealed for treating each other with respect a number of times, not least in his speech at the EGM that decided the dispute was national.


Your criticisms are nonsense. Perhaps why right wingers are so clueless, unconvincing and embarass themselves whenever they go off on one about the subject.

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Either you are trolling or you don't seem to have realised unions are essentially the membership. It was the membership that led the dispute, it was them that took the action that precipitated the dispute, Scargill and the NUM leadership followed and supported them, what they are elected to do. The leadership had nothing to do with attacks on scabs, indeed Scargill appealed for treating each other with respect a number of times, not least in his speech at the EGM that decided the dispute was national.
When you (yet again) use the word 'scabs', do you realise that you mean working men? Those who would rather put in an honest day's work than strike?


Your criticisms are nonsense. Perhaps why right wingers are so clueless, unconvincing and embarass themselves whenever they go off on one about the subject.

I am curious though - you are a rather keen supporter of militant unions and strike action - you use the word 'scab' at every opportunity which clearly reveals a bitter attitude you have towards people who did not want to strike.


Were you a miner? Have you worked in any of the heavy manufacturing industries that suffered inthe 90s?

Indeed, have you worked/do you work at all?

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I see them as the very opposite.


They had the courage to ignore the bully tactics of the unions and to put their own families first, above the militant left wing agenda of their union leaders.


I find it quite funny that left-wingers fail to understand that their beloved unions try to impose utter tyranny on their members.


Lefties are happy to defy the government, but if anybody dares to defy the mad rantings of their union leaders, then out come the daggers.


That is where our esteemed "I've done a paper" Mr Prime is cocking up.

You need to get inside Scargill's mind to know what he was really about.

Books have this nasty flaw of being written by the author and political authors want their truth to be told.

The facts are easy to get hold of; Thoughts and ideals are not quite so easy.

Without understanding the latter any thesis is so much toilet paper.


Mr Prime. You really will have to get a basic understanding of the people you're dealing with here. Your books and media of the time are all telling their version of a story. None will tell the truth.

Go back to the strike and stand in on a few of Scargill's speeches so you can see what he was really like.

I met the guy in person and listened to several rants at the time. I saw him for the extremist bully boy he really was. His speeches were very much in the style you would expect from Nick Griffin now.


The TV stuff was one thing. His stuff in meetings was quite another. You need to find out more about that side of Scargill before you write your next piece.

By the way. Have you ever interviewed the leaders of today's NUM?

I had a couple of private conversations a few years ago. Interesting to say the least. You may find Scargill isn't a very popular lad over there.

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