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The Tory ministers of the 80's should be put on trial for the Ridley plan.

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I never claimed to be a professor! I had my work examined by a professor obviously.


Then you do a nice line in misleading your readers.


You do like to get personal don't you? Why is that? And you call yourself an adult. I didn't say much at the time, just listened.


Bog roll? If you think you know more than a professor from Manchester University feel free, I'm guessing you don't. As I explained I have read more than a couple of books, I have read all of the books including Macgregors and 'Scargill the Stalinist?", another anti strike book. However feel free to ignore sections of information that don't fit in with your agenda, boringly predictable.


So you knew a few anti strike strikers, a bit of a contradiction there but never mind. At the end of the day the majority struck. 140,000 men did not strike because say 5000 militants terrorised them. That defies mathematics before we get onto anything else. I should have mentioned I still know ex miners now but I wasn't going to use them to back up my argument because facts are more important than subjective experiences.


Now for the last time, I have contradicted a lot of your points e.g the communist party told Scargill to call it off. You said they wanted payback. One of us is right. Is it the bloke who has spent a thousand hours studying all sources or you because you lived through it? A modern historian knows more about world war 2 than a soldier who was in it. Why is that do you think?


Finally, please give me a concrete answer to why an NUM victory would have made the UK a communist state?


I guess what you are saying is that you have read a book by a "professor from Manchester University". Hehe, you are a comic.

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My judgements are based on meeting Scargill and listening to his off record rants. That tells you a lot more than some book written for cash or political gain.


By the way plastic prof, I don't drink


You're right about one thing, a little knowledge is dangerous. In fact there is only one thing worse. A semi informed but very sure of himself bloke who won't admit he needs to look further to get at the truth.

Other problems are often those people who know the truth because it fits what they want to be the truth.

How does that sound wildcat?


It sounds like you have a spade and keep digging.

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Then you do a nice line in misleading your readers.




I guess what you are saying is that you have read a book by a "professor from Manchester University". Hehe, you are a comic.


At the end of the day post 56 is a list of undisputable facts. Anything beyond that is bound to be a persons own judgement. In my judgement the strike was justified and the only way. In your minds going cap in hand to the Thatcher juggernaut was the only way. kind of like asking a great white shark to play fair as it opens its jaws.


Upinwath sees himself as an Indiana Jones knowing special truths that mere mortals can't know. Well beyond a time machine the miners I have spoken to will have to do. Again, it's well known the communist party gave Scargill a document that concluded the strike was a mistake so he threw it on the floor and "uttered an oath". A far cry from Kremlin string pulling but legends more entertaining in t' tap room eh?


As for you wetting your pants over the use of the word scab, you need a reality check. It was a fight for over the culture of the nation, not a table tennis tournament. If you or upinwath can provide evidence to dispute post 56 then go on. Until then you are going round in circles e.g. making out I have read a book when I have already stated I have spoken to ex miners. I can go next door and talk to one now if I like but never mind.

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I avoided using the word initially but Upinwath started using the word in post 52 and then Obelix convinced me use of the word was appropriate, by his attitude.


Someone that would backstab their workmates in a dispute like the miner's strike truly is lowest of the low.

I don't see them as backstabbing - I see them as looking after their family despite their workmates trying to force them to follow a militant left wing agenda. I do suspect we have different views on industrial action - my view is that workers are paid to do a job and welcome to leave if they don't like pay or conditions, and if they strike, they should be sacked immediately. That way, pay and conditions are kept fair by the job market.


By the way, you didn't answer: "Were you a miner? Have you worked in any of the heavy manufacturing industries that suffered inthe 90s?

Indeed, have you worked/do you work at all?"

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  • 2 weeks later...
That's because you seem only to be interested in carbon capture as a means to justify coal mining and the politics that goes with it.


It still isn't commercially viable and the numbers certainly aren't favourable.


My link said otherwise.




You seem to have turned things on its head. The decisions made by Thatcher were not justified by environmental arguments, you are trying to rewrite history to justify the indefensible.


She made an economic argument in public, whilst closing down pits like Cortonwood that produced the cheapest Coal in the Coalfield. As I have shown British Coal was cheap by european standards, significantly cheaper than both Germany or France both in terms of subsidy costs and in terms tonnage.


My link says otherwise (sadly for those involved).


Not commercially viable.


PLANS for a landmark green energy project potentially creating thousands of jobs for Yorkshire have been thrown into doubt after the parent company behind the scheme went into administration.


Powerfuel plc had already secured £180m from the European Union to develop the world's largest "clean coal" power plant at Hatfield in South Yorkshire, but the company collapsed yesterday after admitting it had failed to secure the further funding needed for the first phase of the scheme – some £635m.


The news calls into question the viability of Yorkshire's long-term ambition to establish a huge carbon capture and storage (CCS) pipeline network stretching from the Aire Valley to the Humber coast, incorporating all the region's major polluters.


The Hatfield plan – which incorporates CCS technology – was supposed to be the first part of this wider Yorkshire scheme, which has the potential to slash the UK's entire carbon emissions by a tenth and create up to 55,000 jobs across the region.

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I avoided using the word initially but Upinwath started using the word in post 52 and then Obelix convinced me use of the word was appropriate, by his attitude.


Someone that would backstab their workmates in a dispute like the miner's strike truly is lowest of the low.


My attitude? What for not wanting to get hit in the head witha brick that's an attitude deserving of you calling my father a scab?


He was a member of NACODS which lapsed. He had NO responsibility to the miners yet he worked to keep their pit open and safe so they could return to work. For doing so, for working to do so I got bricked in the head


The lowest of the low, since we are having to use language you understand are people like you. Cretinous little turds who resort to viloence because they have neither the wit nor the sense to see any other way. You are nothing - you are scum. Anyone who advocates and considers assault on anyone as acceptable is low but theose then think threatening children are beyodn contempt. I wish you a long bitter and unpleasant life sadly that is more than you deserve. I will thank you however for reminding me just what attitudes exist in Sheffield, and why I decided to get out.

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I somehow doubt that - I decided to be successful and get out of there I'm fairly certain most of the loony lefty socialist failures on here would care. The rest will be mature enough to realise it doesnt matter too much if I happen to be in a more amenable and pleasant city to the north of you.

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I somehow doubt that - I decided to be successful and get out of there I'm fairly certain most of the loony lefty socialist failures on here would care. The rest will be mature enough to realise it doesnt matter too much if I happen to be in a more amenable and pleasant city to the north of you.




They have a forum too you know.

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