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The Tory ministers of the 80's should be put on trial for the Ridley plan.

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That Labour government would have to have been voted in by the majority of voters. Hardly a communist dictatorship.


Labour is/was as much a lapdog of unions as the Tories are of big business including sleazy non doms but that's OK obviously.


I always found it hilarious that dimwits would tear their hair out over a political party being funded by millions of ordinary people. Another being funded by a few hundred unrepresentative businessmen was/is considered fine! This warping of morality was delivered by the distorting mirrors of the media, a lie filled, impossible to sue tool of big business. I remember some controversy in 97 about the top Tory donors being Hong Kong businessmen some of whom were apparently linked to drugs offences but never mind.


Much less so.


If Labour was in the power of the unions then Roy Jenkins would have released Des Warren, imprisoned for 3 years for organising a picket under 1875 legislation not intended for the purpose. To their shame the TUC and the Communist Party made only lukewarm protests. And he was left to languish inside in his blanket protest in solitary confinement a political prisoner first of the Heath administration and then Wilson's. Eventually dying from his mistreatment, martyred in the struggle for a decent wage.

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What nonsense, the miners had a history of using their control of the nations electricity supply as a political weapon.


Far from being an "act of state aggression against its citizens" the Ridley Plan was necessary to protect the majority of citizens of this country from a minority which had demonstrated it was all too willing to use any power it had to hold the rest of the nation hostage.


Do you believe the bankers have done this? Do you believe they have plunged this nation into a far worse state than any strike? If not kindly withdraw from the forum thanks.

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Much less so.


If Labour was in the power of the unions then Roy Jenkins would have released Des Warren, imprisoned for 3 years for organising a picket under 1875 legislation not intended for the purpose. To their shame the TUC and the Communist Party made only lukewarm protests. And he was left to languish inside in his blanket protest in solitary confinement a political prisoner first of the Heath administration and then Wilson's. Eventually dying from his mistreatment, martyred in the struggle for a decent wage.


You are dead right, anyone who is a trade unionist like you and I knows that the idea of Uncle Jim and Harold taking orders from unions is a joke. Callaghan pounded the table and said "I must crush you" to firemen on the eve of their strike but lets not let facts get in the way of right wing mythology.

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What nonsense, the miners had a history of using their control of the nations electricity supply as a political weapon.


Far from being an "act of state aggression against its citizens" the Ridley Plan was necessary to protect the majority of citizens of this country from a minority which had demonstrated it was all too willing to use any power it had to hold the rest of the nation hostage.


The 1972, 74 strike and the 1984 strike. The NUM's only national strikes.


It is quite a leap from that to...... "it was all too willing to use any power it had to hold the rest of the nation hostage"



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The 1972, 74 strike and the 1984 strike. The NUM's only national strikes.


It is quite a leap from that to...... "it was all too willing to use any power it had to hold the rest of the nation hostage"




These right wingers live in their own fantasy world. They probably still think the miners started the trouble at Orgreave and haven't heard about the BBC's now well known re editing of footage. It's all legends and mythology, they probably believe Thatcher was unfairly brought down despite it all being above board by Tory rules.

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Lol "When I became leader of the party I made it absolutely clear we are not accepting any foreign money in future," said Mr Hague. 1998


Except of course Lord Ashcroft of Belize :hihi:

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Do you believe the bankers have done this? Do you believe they have plunged this nation into a far worse state than any strike? If not kindly withdraw from the forum thanks.

What a bizarre post, aside from your highly dubious claim that the nation is currently in a worse state that it was during the 3 day week the fact is that the 3 day week was deliberately inflicted upon the nation by the miners in an attempt to use their power to override the will of the democratically elected government. In contrast the 'credit crunch' is a result of mistakes made by bankers, it's simply absurd that you are trying to equate the two.

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The 1972, 74 strike and the 1984 strike. The NUM's only national strikes.


It is quite a leap from that to...... "it was all too willing to use any power it had to hold the rest of the nation hostage"



How many examples do you need? Just how many times should the state allow a narrow sector of the populace to hold the rest of it hostage before acting to protest the rest of the nation?

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What a bizarre post, aside from your highly dubious claim that the nation is currently in a worse state that it was during the 3 day week the fact is that the 3 day week was deliberately inflicted upon the nation by the miners in an attempt to use their power to override the will of the democratically elected government. In contrast the 'credit crunch' is a result of mistakes made by bankers, it's simply absurd that you are trying to equate the two.


Not bizzare at all, the 3 day week was a blip, this banker caused recession has lasted years, it's effects are ongoing and we may be heading for a double dip. Bonuses are flowing again and bankers have threatened a mass exodus if the government dares interfere with their 'rights'.


The miners withdrew their labour, they did not demand a revolution/election. When Heath mentioned calling one Scargill told him there was no need. Heath ignored Mr Revolution and called it and lost, hung by his own petard. Facts please just the facts.

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