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CHEAP , sick of the word ?

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Regarding the 'Turning up in a nice car' issue... i think i may have given a slightly wrong impression.


I dont object to any tradesman driving a nice motor, especially when (as in the case of the fellow i talked about) their workmanship is exemplary. I was more making the point that in these rather chaste times where money is tight and people are now prepared to shop around for 'good deals'... workmen who still insist in charging 'top dollar' for their services and are prepared to arrive in expensive and exotic motor cars are not helping themselves nor their businesses by being quite so ostentatious.


Again, Harry Enfields 'Loadsamoney' springs to mind.

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  • 3 months later...

martin, are you moaning again? ;)


your words are very true, i must admit.


too many "plasterers" on this site or should that be SKIMMERS


what i find really annoying is when users put their quote up on an open forum, by all means try and price the job over the net if its possible but why not pm the original poster amd wait to be contacted.


why do people put there price on an open forum, the price is nothing to do with anyone apart from yourself and the potential customer.


by puttin your price on a thread, your asking for someone to undercut you there and then.


i do not do many jobs on here anymore, quite simply because the arse has fell out of it.


in my opinion, a ball park figure private jobs should be priced at £100-£150 per day excluding materials.


most "plasterers" i meet on site/out and about cannot 2 coat/render/screed/dot&dab, for every 1 good plasterer i know i'v seen 2 that i wouldn't touch with his.


its only going to get worse in the next 2 years aswell, if your struggling to get work and are working for less than £80.00 a day then imo there's something more deep rooted and its time to sell your tools and get a paper round.


site work is at rubbish, you'll be lucky to get over £2.20 p/m2


domestic work seems to be following the same route, everyone cutting each others throat over £40-£50.


can people not see that by working for next to f**k all your only driving the price further down and down.

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