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Drinking age,,should it be lowered

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By your a miserable sod,pubs closing are partly to blame for the rise of miserable buggers like you...no community spirit anymore ...you a tory by any chance ,its them their fault


I say old chap they've closed because of social change don't you know. It's the whiney 'If I can't have a fag I'm not going' that's the prob, is that the community spirit your talking about? Pubs have to cater for all..not just the 'roll out the barrel' oldies.:hihi:

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Dont see why not, you can smoke when your 16, drive when 17, have sex when your 16.(funnily enough its 20 in Tunisia and 12 in Colombia!).


To buy cigarettes the legal age is 18.


Also a 16 year old can legally be bought beer, wine or a cider to go with a meal already, which I think is fair enough so no I wouldn't agree with lowering the age.

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To buy cigarettes the legal age is 18.


Also a 16 year old can legally be bought beer, wine or a cider to go with a meal already, which I think is fair enough so no I wouldn't agree with lowering the age.


It was 16 when i was a nipper.

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This is something I have never understood....if someone can legally join the armed forces and die for their country and if they are of legal age to vote, they should be able to purchase alcohol. I would vote for the age to be 18 years old for both here and in the UK. 18 is the age at which someone is considered an adult in terms of joining the US armed forces and being able to vote so I think its insane that they cannot purchase alcohol until they are 21. Either lower drinking age to 18 or raise the voting/draft and military age minimum to 21.

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I'd say many of the drunken brawls involve the younger drinkers, and agree that raising the limit to 21 might save the lives a few innocents across the country every weekend.


Not completely convinced by that argument - I find the people who are drunk and can't handle their alcohol do tend to be on the young side - but because they've only just reached the drinking age, they don't know their appropriate limits. Once you've been out for a while, you know how much you can handle. I suspect that would happen whether you're 16, 18 or 21.

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