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Council tenants to be checked out financially

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So the goverment are looking to implement checks on new council tenants and want them in place by 2011,is it any of their business how well off or not people are?





Pretty standard for businesses to to do a financial check on all credit customers. It sort of ensures that they pay the bills. Would you prefer the council to allow any old rif raf to take on a property and leave the rent for you to pay?

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Everyone should have a nice place to live in regardless of their income.


Don't people work and aspire to earn more money so they can live in a nicer place?

Everyone should have a home which is satisfactory to live in, and meets their basic needs.

I read the article, and it won't affect existing tenants, its really hard to get a council property now, so I think people on the waiting list who can afford an alternative will take it anyway.

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Pretty standard for businesses to to do a financial check on all credit customers. It sort of ensures that they pay the bills. Would you prefer the council to allow any old rif raf to take on a property and leave the rent for you to pay?


That's not what's happening - social housing usually isn't subject to a credit check. All that's changing is that after 2 years in social housing, landlords will be able to check the finances of a tenant to see if they would be able to afford to pay private sector rents.

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This isn't an attack on the poor - It's an attack on those who can afford to pay but don't want to pay.


The purpose of that attack is to free up subsidised housing so it can be allocated to the poor.


So joe Bloggs gets a Council House when he's unemployed, he then gets a job on minimum wage and he manages to make a few improvements to the property.


Gradually he starts to earn a bit more and he spends it on a few luxuries (maybe some on the house).


Then the Government decides he should give up this house, where does he go to that won't make him poor again?

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I also think that those who can afford to pay private rent should be obliged to do so.



The consequence of this is that these people then become poor again, whilst the rich/ealthy private landlords get richer.


Is that really the type of society you want?

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So joe Bloggs gets a Council House when he's unemployed, he then gets a job on minimum wage and he manages to make a few improvements to the property.


Gradually he starts to earn a bit more and he spends it on a few luxuries (maybe some on the house).


Then the Government decides he should give up this house, where does he go to that won't make him poor again?


Why would you spend your own money (especially on minimum wage) on improvements on a rented house?

I wouldn't, when the council are supposed to do it for you.


I just hope the government look at the situation realistically, they should not force someone to move out if they can't afford a typical private rented building.

Although I'm sure there are some people on minimum wage who manage to rent privately and get by.

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For me it's a two way split...


I can look out my window and see new BMW's, Audi's, etc... I could ask, do they need subsidised housing, hmm maybe not (even though i'd also think and know in a few cases that some do own those properties).


But when comparing my street with say another at the other end of the estate, the crime rate and goings on are very different.


If this goes through will they turn into ghettos, well as already stated they are already sink estates in certain parts. Yes, it'd get slightly worse if working and respectable people were summarily ejected and replace with others further down on the ladder (in more need). But and this is the butt, what about all those who have bought their properties and worked hard to improve their areas, which many have and do. They'll be stuck amidst this worsening area, where without doubt the private property price will fall, meaning they'll lose money but still have to pay the banks the full mortgage!


All said and done, when i'm back on my feet, i'm outta here!

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