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Your favorite pub as a teenager ??


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I used to be a regular in the Royal Oak at the bottom of Cemetery Road back in the mid 60s. They were a smashing crowd in there back then. Every time the music stopped one of us would have to go halfway up the stairs, onto the landing, and put some more records on. It used to get so crowded at the weekends that if anyone wanted to leave at least 20 other people had to go outside to let enable them to get out and then come back in. I used to supplement my income by playing darts. We had a lot of fun in those far off days. No drugs in sight and we were still standing and reasonably sober when we left. ::partyhat:



I think the landlord's name was Eric those day's. Young Barmaid was Liz

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My favourite pub when I was a teenager ( oh so many years ago ) was the Olive Grove at the bottom of Eastbank Road opposite where SR Gents use to be.


I use to go in there during the 70's every Thursday night to listen to the music played by the DJ Alan Dale, it was my introduction to bands around at the time like Cream, Jethro Tull

Pete Green's Fleetwood Mac and many others.

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My local was the best "Myrtle Inn" Alexandra Road Heeley. Eric Staniforth was the landlord. A bit of a lad. Used to be in the Buff Lodge there.The beer was Melbourne Ales.Didn't arf shift some stuff. If I remember, the Royal Oak was run by Jim and Rita in the late 60's. Jim had the Barleycorn with his first wife Pat. He and Rita then moved to the Millhouses. I had my first pub employment as a waiter at the Boston,when I was 18 Proper beer in those days. A little bit of what you fancy does you good. a lot aint bad either

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Brincliffe Oaks, when Turn Ups was just around the corner :thumbsup:

The landlord at the oaks let me have my birthday in the upstairs room free of charge, all my friends were there and it was a great night.We were in charge of the pumps and just pulled our own. Later the landlords wife cooked us all the best suppper you could wish for. Top twosome!!!:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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