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December 7th - will there be a run on the banks?

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Exposing the banking system for the huge con-trick it is, is worth doing.


so everyone withdraws their money, the banks pay out


worst case - the banks then turn round and demand immediate payment on all their loans and either close or withdraw to sunnier climes, businesses collapse laying off millions of workers, the economy follows, people with mortgages are turned out on the street, people paying rent follow them because the money they do have in their pocket is worthless due to hyperinflation caused by the economic chaos and they can't pay their rent, no one can afford food and people starve, UK becomes a third world country relying in handouts - could we at least wait until the warm weather ?


best case - the banks pay out the funds they have and deny further transactions, people standing in queues are brassed off and inconvenienced due to standing a queue all day, some people who need access to their money can't get it, the banks remain unaffected


I reckon the real effect will lie between these two extremes tending towards the best case and the banks still won't be affected


so either way I have to disagree with the sentiment that it's worth doing

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"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

- Henry Ford


"The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debts."

- Henry Ford

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So you want to send a message to the banks via an ineffectual protest while inconveniencing lots of ordinary people. Well done you.


If it will be ineffectual why are you remotely bothered about it? Make sure you get your pocket money the day before and you'll be reet.

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If it will be ineffectual why are you remotely bothered about it? Make sure you get your pocket money the day before and you'll be reet.

Oh I always make sure I have a few days cash about. I'd just rather other people, who haven't head about the protest, aren't inconvenienced.

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Oh I always make sure I have a few days cash about. I'd just rather other people, who haven't head about the protest, aren't inconvenienced.


I've never liked mock outrage, especially when it's claimed to be on behalf of other people. Stop being so wet

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This sounds like a protest that will be taken up by a few dozen people with nothing better to do with their time. Rest of us will probably be busying working me thinks. Never even heard about the protest until seen this thread, and if the Guardian is the only paper thats printed it (Paper that has a curculation of about 10) i don't think international banks are going to be remotely worried.

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This sounds like a protest that will be taken up by a few dozen people with nothing better to do with their time. Rest of us will probably be busying working me thinks. Never even heard about the protest until seen this thread, and if the Guardian is the only paper thats printed it (Paper that has a curculation of about 10) i don't think international banks are going to be remotely worried.


Now in the BBC



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I've never liked mock outrage, especially when it's claimed to be on behalf of other people.

It's neither mock or outrage.

Stop being so wet

You're advocating inconveniencing people to with some ineffectual protest to make yourself feel important. I think you're the one who need to stop being wet.

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It's neither mock or outrage.


You're advocating inconveniencing people to with some ineffectual protest to make yourself feel important. I think you're the one who need to stop being wet.


I'm advocating a protest yes. Do I think it will badly affect the banks? No. See my response in post #25. But I will feel better (though not important ;)) for doing something to protest against against a corrupt, morally indefensible system that is robbing us all blind, has badly damaged our economy and indebted future generations. Sounds dramatic I know but unfortunately it's true. If you don't like my views I honestly couldn't care less.

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I'm advocating a protest yes. Do I think it will badly affect the banks? No. See my response in post #25. But I will feel better (though not important ;)) for doing something to protest against against a corrupt, morally indefensible system that is robbing us all blind, has badly damaged our economy and indebted future generations. Sounds dramatic I know but unfortunately it's true. If you don't like my views I honestly couldn't care less.

So you want other people inconvenienced despite knowing the protest won't affect the intended target. Very considerate.


The banks may need reining in but I don't think your ineffectual vanity protest is the way to go about it.

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