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December 7th - will there be a run on the banks?

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So you want other people inconvenienced despite knowing the protest won't affect the intended target. Very considerate.


The banks may need reining in but I don't think your ineffectual vanity protest is the way to go about it.


Oh well. Each to their own and all that. Out if interest how would you protest against the banks? If you felt the need.

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Well I for one am sick and tired of poor customer service from the banks.


Each and every time I go to a branch of Nat west I have to wait in a queue.

There is never enough staff.The High St branch is ridiculous on a Saturday as it is the only one that opens so the whole of Sheffield seems to want to use it.


I pay in cheques and I am told that they take a week to clear ( in theory).

3 days after I pay a cheque in , I go to a cash machine and from the mini statement, it appears that these are cleared funds, so I go in to the High St branch ( after I was told at another branch that it takes a week to clear ) that the issue is because I went to a cash machine to draw out funds. As I am now in a bank in front of a cashier then that doesnt show it is cleared funds.

So my question to the cashier is. " Is it cleared or not?' and she says better to wait until Wednesday.She asks me where the cheque has come from.When I tell her she says it should be alright?

So its no wonder they cant get their act together managing loads of money as they dont even know the answer to a simple question as to whether there are real cleared funds in someones bank account.

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A better way would be to set up a rival bank as a social enterprise and those who recognise just how much the money markets control our economy & society directly and indirectly through government minister collusion could transfer their accounts. Why not?


Think not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee

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OK, so let's take this to a logical conclusion and everybody attempted to withdraw all the money that they have in the bank on the same day.


This would (by definition) cause the entire banking system to collapse as there would be no assets left to offset against loans and nothing to loan.


Who does that serve? Would it do society as a whole any good whatsoever?


I often look at protests and wonder what they are trying to achieve and who would benefit from their aims being met. A protest march against something (like a war, for instance) does nothing to address the underlying reasons for that situation existing in the first place, but at least it does little damage to society whilst it's happening.


If someone can tell me a true benefit to anybody from undermining the entire world banking system then I'll genuinely consider taking my money out in protest.


I agree this is what happened with Northern Rock in part. If people knew how little of our money is actually available in hard cash they would be frightened. At least 90% of it is loaned out to others.


This is a ridiculus idea!

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I agree this is what happened with Northern Rock in part. If people knew how little of our money is actually available in hard cash they would be frightened. At least 90% of it is loaned out to others.


This is a ridiculus idea!

The banking system has brought many innocent individuals to their knees, did/do they care, ofcourse not, so why should we care if we do something just for 24hrs to kick them where it hurts. 90% of our money mite be lent out, but if we want it, they have to produce, albeit, notice being given for large withdrawals

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