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La Bella Roma at Hillsbrough


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  • 2 months later...

i was looking at their menu yesterday - bit limited isnt it? the only real choice is a bowl of pasta, a steak or chicken.


no fish, no lamb, no venison or veal, game etc.. i'd rather have a smaller menu with variety, than loads of the same thing. it's not particularly enticing.

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Your restaurant then is it :hihi: Or how long have you worked there....this is an old trick....owners and employees of all sorts of restaurants come on here and give wonderful reviews....only for subsequent posters to be bitterly disappointed.


Perhaps you ought to address the fact that someone found an insect in their food!


I don't work there or own any part of it !!! Just commented on a really good night out I had with some friends. Bit cynical of you to say that.

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Hold on a minute. Maybe they aren't the owners/employees of the restaurant. I have a friend who went to the Dean Martin night and they said it was a very enjoyable evening and was very well received. A good night was had by all. Don't be so quick with your judgement.


Thanks chocki, I really enjoyed it too and didn't see any one complain. You can only tell it as you find it and I thought it was good.

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Do they still do the "buy one get one free" offer on main courses in the week? I've not been past for ages, and it used to be a nice cheapish option for weekday tea.


oh and Moke, I think the other meats, game, fish, seafood etc are usually on their daily specials board.

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It wasn't awful like some people have said, the service was fine, the food arrived in good time, no problems on that score. The menu was basic though and the specials are up on boards in different areas of the restaurant so we only realised there were fish specials after we'd ordered. They should have been pointed out to us as we sat down.


The food we did get was nice. Not great, perfectly fine but nothing to write home about. Not as good as Sette Coli.

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