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All tea drinkers

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Thanks, I didn't check the spelling...


First google hit: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/51089dec-eb6d-11df-b482-00144feab49a.html


I saw it on that EU Gravy train program on Channel 4 the other day...


For those that don't follow links.


400 jobs to go in North Shields and another 260 in Andover, Hampshire.

Just so they can get cheap labour and a £10M grant from EU.

They've even already got the current staff training their Polish replacements.

I'm sure our "honourable" friend Lord Michael Jay of Ewelme is doing all he can to protect British jobs (or should that be his own ass (ets, obviously)?)



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All the tea drinkers, All the tea drinkers,

All the tea drinkers, All the tea drinkers,


If it's Earl Grey you should put a slice of lemon in it

If it's Earl Grey you should put a slice of lemon in it


If it PG Tips or Tetley you should put milk in it

If it PG Tips or Tetley you should put milk in it


Wo-oh ooo o uh o oooh

Wo-oh ooo o uh o oooh




Tribute to Beyonce, she loves a cuppa.

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Or, Motorhead tribute for all the rocking tea drinkers...


Only way to drink your tea,

Is when it's good and hot

So good I can't believe it,

Straight out of the pot


Dont sweat it, just put on a brew

Dont sweat it, just put on a brew


Cuppa tea, Cuppa tea

Cuppa tea, Cuppa tea


That's right!

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Just seen that old Twinings tea advert.


But also saw a report the other day that they are closing one of their two factories and moving abroad, leaving a town pretty devastated....


I'm not about to take part in a run on the bank, but I won't be buying their tea either! :huh:


Has anybody ever started a SCAB list for businesses who sack British employees and move abroad?


would be a very big list


Avon moved their production to Poland a couple of years back.

HP moved production to The Netherlands.

I think that since the Yanks took over Cadburys they're moving or have moved some production out of the country.:mad:


I no longer buy Cadburys or Terrys chocolates or HP sauce or Avon. Thankfully I already drink Yorkshire Tea and have actually converted several southerners to the brew of the gods.

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