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BBC Panorama 22/11/10 - Muslims kids getting hate lessons in UK

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ive asked her twice now what she thinks about the report and guess what she hasnt answered (i wonder why).thank you for bringing this thread up something needs to be done about this or these kids could be will be tomorrows suicide bomber :huh:

I think my edit is more accurate.

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You have backed up nothing. You have merely scuttled away because you know dam well you have no basis for your accusation. You have lied, and now you cower behind your keyboard. You're not man enough to admit you are wrong.


Here I will entertain your request to a degree. Would a white supremacist apologist say the following:




or this:




No, so stop being an idiot and go away.


donkey did that to me too. I think the idea is try to pretend when he/she hasn't answered you that really it is just that you are too stupid to understand his/her high brow explanations!:rolleyes:

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Im afraid you will always find the 'moderate' muslims secretly support the 'extemist' muslims. This can be proved by the replies you get on here when posting anything even slightly negative regarding islam. Or even just questioning their holy book or its motives.

These a dangerous times.

Islam is trying to take over the world :(


I'm not sure what a moderate muslim is TBH and what is an extemist? Extremist views are not just linked to violence; there are more than one way to skin a cat. I personally believe that all muslims want the same/similar thing(s) but how they go about getting those things differs from person, does that make them all an extremist? I don't think it does.

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I'm not sure what a moderate muslim is TBH and what is an extemist? Extremist views are not just linked to violence; there are more than one way to skin a cat. I personally believe that all muslims want the same/similar thing(s) but how they go about getting those things differs from person, does that make them all an extremist? I don't think it does.


I would say anyone who wants the whole world to follow their religion is an extremist be they christian, muslim or atheist and anyone who thinks as long as they do no harm everyone can believe in what they will is a moderate!


Clearly not all muslims want the same/similar things otherwise they all want the whole world to be muslims whilst respecting others and being peaceful. These views are mutually exclusive.

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I don't understand the logic used that if you oppose Islamic extremism you must be pro white supremacist??


Precisely but that is the logic of our friendly forum lefties. If you are not with them, you are against them and they will use every insult they can think of. Its a shame their own actions have watered down the validity of such words to a point where people are no longer bothered.


Because I do not subscribe to the ideology of ridiculing anyone who questions their methods, I have been called every name under the sun, but as yet none has been able to prove it, illustrated by the most recent attack in which the accuser has now scuttled off. Its a shame they are not adult enough to see when they are wrong and apologise.

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Why is anyone remotely surprised by this? We are talking about the Saudi official national curricumum being taught in these schools, after all.


The use of these materials in Britain comes three years after a BBC investigation found a Saudi-funded school in west London was using texts that referred to Jewish people and Christians in derogatory terms. That prompted assurances at the highest diplomatic levels that the materials would be removed.


Panorama has also found evidence of extreme views on some private, full-time Muslim school websites, including messages that state: "Our children are exposed to a culture that is in opposition to almost everything Islam stands for" and "We need to defend our children from the forces of evil".


MP Barry Sheerman, former Labour chairman of the Children, Schools and Families parliamentary committee, said politicians had avoided the issue of controversial teachings in some Muslim schools.


We see this issue of avoidance with anything unpleasant that is Islam-related.


I think that this sums it up:


Dr Usama Hasan, an Islamic scholar and part-time imam in east London, warned of the dangers of segregating young Muslims in Britain, particularly the seminaries where the next generation of imams are being educated.


"They don't interact with people who are not Muslim... they don't learn the ingredients of the western world, so it's very easy for them to read the medieval texts which were written at a time when Islam was under attack and say non-believers are our enemies and we have to fight them."


As Dr Hasan says above, in not so many words, the Koran is an historical (and holy) text and with the other scriptures was written at a time that was relevant to the epoch and reflected the cultural mores of the day. This is why religion is so dangerous and many of its teachings are totally out of kilter with modern Western thinking and way of life. It for this reason that I personally believe that all faith schools should be banned, they are totally divisive.


Why do so many people have to painstakingly trot out the 'this does not apply to all Muslims etc' mantra on any thread of this nature? There is a huge difference between 'Muslim bashing' and critiquing Islam, yet too many at both ends of the spectrum synonomise the two, anyone who cannot see this is not worth entering into a debate with, as far as I'm concerned.

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Why is anyone remotely surprised by this? We are talking about the Saudi official national curricumum being taught in these schools, after all.




We see this issue of avoidance with anything unpleasant that is Islam-related.


I think that this sums it up:




As Dr Hasan says above, in not so many words, the Koran is an historical (and holy) text and with the other scriptures was written at a time that was relevant to the epoch and reflected the cultural mores of the day. This is why religion is so dangerous and many of its teachings are totally out of kilter with modern Western thinking and way of life. It for this reason that I personally believe that all faith schools should be banned, they are totally divisive.


Why do so many people have to painstakingly trot out the 'this does not apply to all Muslims etc' mantra on any thread of this nature? There is a huge difference between 'Muslim bashing' and critiquing Islam, yet too many at both ends of the spectrum synonomise the two, anyone who cannot see this is not worth entering into a debate with, as far as I'm concerned.


yep and yep! I also think that ignoring it is apologising for it.

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donkey did that to me too. I think the idea is try to pretend when he/she hasn't answered you that really it is just that you are too stupid to understand his/her high brow explanations!:rolleyes:


A suitably vague accusation to avioid talking yourself into a corner again.

I don't think you are stupid at all. I think you just pretend to be to try and save face. And yes, i do refuse to enter into such pathetic games.

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