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BBC Panorama 22/11/10 - Muslims kids getting hate lessons in UK

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I think a lot of people are missing the point. Why was the programme screened if it wasn't trying to influence peoples' thoughts one way or the other?


of course it was trying to influence peoples thoughts. That is often what documentaries are trying to do. Panorama always reports on controversial issues. Its not in this case trying to form an unbiased report on Islam, its trying to show the shocking and extreme bits of Islam, the bits that need to change.

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You did say these things, but you also held PT up as an example of the supposed 'apologists' in the OP, which is the same as calling her an apologist.



I explained immediately that PT was dismissing it, I did not say he/she was apologising.


Don't know why mj.scubas comment has been slipped in here



And you did insinuate that I was trying to stop people talking about it.


No I asked if thats what you meant-note the question mark, we use them to denote a question. You then called me thick or stupid but wouldn't clarify what you meant.

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its trying to show the shocking and extreme bits of Islam, the bits that need to change.


finally some braincells have appeared :)


and what do we do to destroy the extreme bits?


what i think we DONT do is alienate everyday muslims, painting them into a corner of alienation, hatred and dissaffection. we DONT bring in laws that are against the muslim population as a whole.

we DONT divide the various communities but find some common ground to work to destroy the reasons why extremism grows.

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finally some braincells have appeared :)


and what do we do to destroy the extreme bits?


what i think we DONT do is alienate everyday muslims, painting them into a corner of alienation, hatred and dissaffection. we DONT bring in laws that are against the muslim population as a whole.

we DONT divide the various communities but find some common ground to work to destroy the reasons why extremism grows.

But is this not about the extreme influence being put on to moderate Muslims and in effect turning them towards those same extremist views ?


Where's it end, then those Muslims...


You get the idea anyhow and why its more dangerous to ignore it or apologise it, try to play it down ect

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nope it wasn't. I was actually talking about the bit above about why he required so many quotes so people wouldn't immediately go "but thats from the ..."


Ooh no no no no.

That's quite a talent you've got there. finding thuings to get yourself angry about that haven't even happened! Maybe you should teach the hate lessons, with such advanced techniques for getting yourself all riled up, you could probably give a master class! :hihi:


This was clearly a reference to MJ scuba pre-emptively branding people apologists. To which you replied


To be fair it took what? one post!


just checked yes it took one post and it didn't sound like a joke post. Maybe I am wrong.


it took one tpost to what? To prove MJ Scuba was right about apologists. Otherwise, it just doesn't make sense. But just for further clarification. I then asked:


In what way is that apologising for hate preaching?


Now, there was a golden opportunity for you to clarify that you didn't mean it like that. But you didn't, choosing instead to carry on arguing in the same vein.

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But is this not about the extreme influence being put on to moderate Muslims and in effect turning them towards those same extremist views ?


Where's it end, then those Muslims...


You get the idea anyhow and why its more dangerous to ignore it or apologise it, try to play it down ect

eh? i dont get your point


im saying "moderate" (even tho they dont exist according to noddy) muslims are being targetted by the extremists ala the schools in this documentary.

we WONT stop it by making the moderate muslims constantly feel hated and pushed away from the rest of society from narrow minded fools that fail or dont want to acknowledge that there IS a difference bettween extremists and the rest.

the extremists play on this resentment and anger that is being created and channel it into creating a more extreme outlook

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In what way is that apologising for hate preaching? It just goes to show the level of hysteria on some of these threads about muslims, when anyione who doesn't scream their total agreement with the OP, is instantly branded an 'apologist'



"another muslim bashing thread" is insinuating that this is a non story or that it doesn't matter. It does matter and it is shocking. The fact that it is about muslims is not incidental


I said dismissing it (see above) and I explained immediately! Note without calling you thick.


You immediately thought I was saying PT was apologising so I immediately explained.

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