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BBC Panorama 22/11/10 - Muslims kids getting hate lessons in UK

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So you admit it is not the English who cause the alienation but rather the parents and those who come into daily contact with the children.


I think thats what he said Grahame, but the influences and people the children come into contact with aren't just Muslims.

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the idea may be to put pressure on the government to force part time schools to be checked by ofsted.


or possibly to alert parents as to what is being taught in the schools

maybe the textbook company will be forced to close.


The first step in achieving anything is to alert the public.

Presumably, the parents know what is being taught and the curriculum has their blessing. If they're sending their daughters to school in niqabs and the schools in question have the Saudi stamp of approval of them then one can only assume that they are fully aware and countenance this narrow didactic approach.


The problem is that we have allowed it to happen. If this kind of bigotry, racism and intolerance were being taught in any other context it would have been abolished. Of course, no matter how loathsome these views, people are entitled to hold them, however, children should not be indoctrinated thus in any educational institution.

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no **** sherlock, do you ever actually read anything before putting your fingers into action?


what was one of my earliest posts on this very thread?

we are a product of our environment, we learn off our parents and those around us..........whether its muslims, christians, bnp supporters.

which along with the post you quoted shows where i stand on the matter

Indeed so, children are not born with prejudice, it is learned, more often than not from their parents. My children have grown up with gay people, blacks, people of all religions and cultures and do not have a scrap of prejudice in them nor have they ever exhibited any; if they had I would have stamped it out in an instant. They have witnessed a lot of bullying and harassment of kids of gay parents, for example, at school and without fail the provenance is always from kids who have been brought up to think that homosexuality is wrong and sinful.

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I said dismissing it (see above) and I explained immediately! Note without calling you thick.


You immediately thought I was saying PT was apologising so I immediately explained.


A: Those posts came later. Not 'immediately.'

B: The fact that you used the word 'dismissing' instead of 'apologising' in that particular post hardly serves as clarification that you had not intended to insinuate she was an 'apologist' in earl;ier posts.


Ooh no no no no.



This was clearly a reference to MJ scuba pre-emptively branding people apologists. .



or to this:




I've posted a number of links to avoid the usual 'I bet you've read that in the Daily Mail'. Yep, it is in the Daily Mail, it's also being carried by most other outlets. :P



Why would you be refering, in your reply to me, to a different part of the OP other than that which I had clearly highlighted in bold? That would be like you saying: The capital of Russia is Moscow" and me replying: "No no, most peugots have diesel engines these days."

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Presumably, the parents know what is being taught and the curriculum has their blessing. If they're sending their daughters to school in niqabs and the schools in question have the Saudi stamp of approval of them then one can only assume that they are fully aware and countenance this narrow didactic approach.


The problem is that we have allowed it to happen. If this kind of bigotry, racism and intolerance were being taught in any other context it would have been abolished. Of course, no matter how loathsome these views, people are entitled to hold them, however, children should not be indoctrinated thus in any educational institution.


I think it is probably unlikely, particularly for the school for instance that required the nihab (is that the correct spelling?) but for less obviously extreme schools who knows? I don't think my parents knew much about what we learned at school particularly about what was in our textbooks.

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A: Those posts came later. Not 'immediately.'

B: The fact that you used the word 'dismissing' instead of 'apologising' in that particular post hardly serves as clarification that you had not intended to insinuate she was an 'apologist' in earl;ier posts.



You posted in post 11 I replied in post 12. That is immediately after and clearly states that PT was claiming this to be a non-story, dismissing it!







Why would you be refering, in your reply to me, to a different part of the OP other than that which I had clearly highlighted in bold? That would be like you saying: The capital of Russia is Moscow" and me replying: "No no, most peugots have diesel engines these days."


You quoted the whole post why can't I reply to another bit of it? Anyway to clear up the misunderstanding I immediately responded (see above)

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So you admit it is not the English who cause the alienation but rather the parents and those who come into daily contact with the children.



its about ANYBODY who they come into contact off whether its parents, teachers whoever.


i like to think my attitude has rubbed off on my kids, they do seen nice, decent, respectful of others, whereas a bnp supporter may rant at the tv and their kids may grow up hating others.


in the ops version of events, the parents may bring their kids up to be "proper" peaceful muslims but then they may send them to these schools for extra work on being a "proper" muslim not knowing that underneath the facade their is a culture of extremism happening, trying to poison the kids minds with more extreme points of view

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