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Players wanted for sunday league side


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Is there any football players out there ages between 19+ looking to play on sunday mornings.

We have great private ground, due to long term injuries and loss of players to work commitments, we need to add to our numbers. you will not be there to keep the bench warm.

we are looking for a stricker, midfield, and a keeper

if any one is interested please come back to me

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our club is Wincobank fc as I say we have lost a lot of players due to most are self employed and work in the building trade, so some have jobs working away from home and have to travel on sunday. So we are struggling a bit, we have never been in this situation we trian at concord as we run from the golf club and they put food on each match day. please give me a call or give me your number so I can call you, it may work for each other it may not but lets have a chat first

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Hello if you train with your saturday side I am not too worried if you dont train with us, as I think your saturday side should come first. as long as you are fit and you take instructions from us on sunday what we want you to do. There is no point in over stretching your self and getting hurt.

we are playing away this sunday, if you would like to come along we can make arrangements

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