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What don't you want for Christmas?


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To hear people moaning about:-



Christmas starting in September, being too commercialised, the shops/pubs being too busy, the unwanted presents they got, relatives, asylum seekers, poppy burners, Nick Clegg, Tony Blair, chavs, Thatcher, cyclists going through red lights, teacher's holidays, inconsiderate motorists, stupid pedestrians, sprouts, ungrammatical posts


Can't we just look on the brightside for a few days a year, count our blessings and be grateful for what we have rather than angry/jealous of others and what we haven't


Oh, and I definitely don't want Jehovah's witnesses knocking on my door on Christmas Eve, unless you've sung the first verse of Away in a Manger and we wish you a merry christmas, in which case, come on in for a minced pie and a glass of mulled wine

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i dont want a zebra print rug, a golden plastic carriage clock, any bath sets, a teapot, any thermal bedding, socks, ornaments, mirrors, pictures no matter how "nice" they are, selection boxes or tins of chocolate, calanders or diarys.


but knowing my luck i will get them lol!:hihi:

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