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The Market Tavern - is it getting better?


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Try walking past there between 10am and 6pm on a weekday.


The smell of herbal cigarettes fills the air, the customers spill out on to the pavement, making life most amusing for those of us who work in the area.


Every few weeks the police pay a visit and bust a few folks.


It still looks to me to be a dingy, dirty, intimidating drinking den and I think it has a few years to go before it can claim to be a trendy bar.



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oh its very continental, you get people from all continents stood outside smoking spliffs and/or drinking pints esp the pregnant ones.


One question, for a place that is (mainly) inhabited by afro carribeans and/or low life wasters why is the music that is blaring out when you walk past stuff like Tom jones or Country and Western??

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Originally posted by Patrick2000

"The smell of herbal cigarettes fills the air, the customers spill out on to the pavement"


Sounds very continental and trendy ...


Yes, the customers, their dogs, their drugs, their way of standing around taking up the pavement whilst you try and negotiate your way by them, the coming and going of car loads of youths, the kids playing in the gutter...


Only continental if you consider the dodgier areas of continental cities.....


As for the musical taste, yes, it IS bizarre that the music played and the clientele seem so different, based on preconceptions!



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No the music is not country and western - in fact it was very much high class R&B on the evening that I visited - some excellent ones - but includinga strange one with a woman singing about her "pussy" ? Is this a new fashion in R&B music then thta may set a trend ? Anyway the atmosphere when I went there was terrific - everyone was up singing and dancing - black, white, asian, a marvellous example of how social integration through fun and leisure CAN happen !

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Sheffbag, we must work in the same area!


Patrick2000 - we kid you not - that place is a hell hole in the day. The Tom Jones and such is the staple fare in the daylight hours....


The only integration we see in the daytime is the integration born of beer and weed. The customers standing around outside ARE intimidating, the area IS dragged down by this place.



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