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Benefit Cuts - an underhand way of hurting migrants by torys??

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We all know that the nasty torys of the 80s only had to wait a few months before their true colours began to show, and surely the cut to housing benefit has to the most cynical attack on migrants who wish to settle in this country.


Yes, its true they have not said "we hate foregners, send em awl back gaverner" as thats the line taken by the BNP, no the conservatives have used housing benefit cuts as their weapon.


Migrants have large familys, large familys need more money so what do our tory government do? yes they cut housing benefits to £20000 and so in effect force large familys to live in squalour.


Is this right and by doing this are they not taking choices away from these familys to make their own decision about their own futures? do we want a society where people are forced to live in certain areas that are dictated by how much money they have? I for one hope not, we are going back to the 1980s.


Caring sharing conservatives? don't make me laugh. attacking the most needy in our society. What happened to the UK as a welcoming nation? :mad:

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i may be wrong but i hope they are doing it to stop people who pop out 1 child after another with no intentions of ever getting a job ( i know a few like this).


i think in some ways it is a good thing it will stop anyone wanting to come to this country just for the benefits. if you want to come here and work you will find a way.


as a bad point the crime rate may increase due to the scroungers who have lost out needing more money and still not wanting to get a job

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We all know that the nasty torys of the 80s only had to wait a few months before their true colours began to show, and surely the cut to housing benefit has to the most cynical attack on migrants who wish to settle in this country.


Yes, its true they have not said "we hate foregners, send em awl back gaverner" as thats the line taken by the BNP, no the conservatives have used housing benefit cuts as their weapon.


Migrants have large familys, large familys need more money so what do our tory government do? yes they cut housing benefits to £20000 and so in effect force large familys to live in squalour.


Is this right and by doing this are they not taking choices away from these familys to make their own decision about their own futures? do we want a society where people are forced to live in certain areas that are dictated by how much money they have? I for one hope not, we are going back to the 1980s.


Caring sharing conservatives? don't make me laugh. attacking the most needy in our society. What happened to the UK as a welcoming nation? :mad:


I'm still a bit new here but you seem to be what is called a "troll"?

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do we want a society where people are forced to live in certain areas that are dictated by how much money they have? :mad:


Errrrrr.....isn't that how it's allways been? I'm not talking about housing benefit claimants here, but those who are earning. People have to cut their cloth accordingly. If you are on good money then obviously you will have the choice of living in a better area should you wish to. Naturally a lower income will play a large part in dictating where you can live. As will lifestyle choices. Some people are happy to live in cheaper accomodation and spend their hard earned cash on other stuff, but they earn it and are entitled to spend it on what they want.


For those claiming housing benefit the choice is often limited because of the amount of benefit being granted. Thankfully the amount of people coming to this country with a large family, and finding themselves being housed in luxury accomodation that most of us could only ever dream of is the exception and not the rule, and quite rightly it should be stopped. Same goes for those born and bred here who think that the more children they have then the bigger and better housing benefit they will be awarded. If people want large families then that's ok so long as they accept that the state/council won't be responsible for housing them. I personally think there should be a cut off point for all forms of benefit concerning children.......including housing benefit. Maybe 2 or 3 children and any after that will have to be absorbed into the benefit allready being received. (tin hat well and truly in place)


Why should large families live in squalor just because they will only be able to get a maximum of £20,000 housing benefit? Surely the necessary cleaning materials will cost the same whether you live in a shack or a mansion? Me-thinks you are causing mischief here. ;) Lets face it.......if you had bought a very nice house in a very nice area and worked your backside off to pay for it, would you like a "Vicky Pollard" type family move in next door to you...... courtesy of the tax payer? I know I wouldn't thank you very much......and you can make of that what you want.




Perhaps going back to the 80's........or even the 70's and before isn't such a bad thing. People understood back then that living on benefits wasn't a choice but a necessity. We weren't rewarded for having large families and neither was there enough money to afford the luxuries that we see today.

You cut your cloth accordingly back then and it wasn't a bad thing either.

Priorities were different back then and I honestly believe they were probably more solidly concentrated on living within your means. The "safety net" called benefits was exactly that......a safety net.

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The code for that smiley shows as "mad".

That's about what that post is. I have no problem with immigration but I firmly believe that people who move to another country should pay their own way.


There is no way they should be entitled to anything until they have chipped in for a while.


Out here, as a mucky foreigner, I get sweet FA. I have to get what I need by myself. Same should go for people going to the UK.

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