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Benefit Cuts - an underhand way of hurting migrants by torys??

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Nowt I'm unemployed didn't you read. When I was working I took home about £1300. About what a unemployed family gets on housing benefit with 3 kids for doing sweet fanny adams.

Don't worry about Halibut, he never contributes to a thread he just snipes.

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I'm a self employed trades man, married with a son doing his GCSE's. I can't get a been not a been because of being self employed, My wife works 3 days for the NHS for £650 take home. Because of the hours she works not how much she earns we are screwed, so don't talk about IMO's or any other free loader getting everything for nowt in our failing democracy. I'm am a man on the edge and summat is gonna give. There is no welfare state for workers just money for nowt for spongers.


I concur. Try as I might, in spite of having a degree, I feel ashamed that I cannot find work for long periods in between much welcomed, but still demeaning stints of work with temping agencies. The fact remains that huge numbers of British-born people like me (from all kinds of backgrounds and BTW, I come from a half Irish half Jewish background myself) are languishing without a job not because of a lack of work, or even of qualifications, but because huge numbers of economic immigrants who cannot even speak a word of proper English (I am particularly thinking of our white Slav 'friends' from Eastern Europe) are freeloading on the money which we should be earning, lining their pockets with JSA and other benefits when they are not even resident in this country, and often incapable of an adequate standard of work anyway (one lot get fired, and then replaced by a fresh lot from E. Europe and so on.


I'm sorry but I have to say that the Tories are not nearly doing enough, and new rules have to be imposed:

Make a minimum fluent standard of reading, writing and speech in English MANDATORY

Begin rapid disengagement of the UK from the EU

STRENGTHEN the Commonwealth, to maintain and improve the strong historic ties between Britain and India, Canada, Australia, Pakistan, Jamaica, Bangladesh, etc, which in turn will create much stronger trade and development in many poorer countries, lessen the risk of unrest and related terrorism in ones such as Pakistan, and allow Britain the opportunity to choose the best talent and most committed workers from many of its former colonies.

N. B. it would be a good idea if Ireland were to join the Commonwealth, although personally I would like to see a United independent Ireland that is also a member of the Commonwealth. No idea of exactly when or how that might happen though:hihi:

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Begin rapid disengagement of the UK from the EU

STRENGTHEN the Commonwealth, to maintain and improve the strong historic ties between Britain and India, Canada, Australia, Pakistan, Jamaica, Bangladesh, etc, which in turn will create much stronger trade and development in many poorer countries, lessen the risk of unrest and related terrorism in ones such as Pakistan, and allow Britain the opportunity to choose the best talent and most committed workers from many of its former colonies.

N. B. it would be a good idea if Ireland were to join the Commonwealth, although personally I would like to see a United independent Ireland that is also a member of the Commonwealth. No idea of exactly when or how that might happen though:hihi:


Brilliant, an Irish friend and I were discussing along these lines just the other day.

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, and allow Britain the opportunity to choose the best talent and most committed workers from many of its former colonies.



What a stupid self centred ill thought out comment, so Britain can still go plundering the colonies can it, in the past it was the products now we take their skills which are much needed where they are.


What's wrong with the UK developing its own skilled workforce as it did in the past?

Aren't there plenty of people in the UK on the dole already?:loopy:

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What a stupid self centred ill thought out comment, so Britain can still go plundering the colonies can it, in the past it was the products now we take their skills which are much needed where they are.


What's wrong with the UK developing its own skilled workforce as it did in the past?

Aren't there plenty of people in the UK on the dole already?:loopy:

have you heard the business leaders in the last two days on about the governments plan to tighten the cap on immigration?

they said to not forget that they still need people with certain skills to get through.

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have you heard the business leaders in the last two days on about the governments plan to tighten the cap on immigration?

they said to not forget that they still need people with certain skills to get through.


Like pickpockets from Romania?

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