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Benefit Cuts - an underhand way of hurting migrants by torys??

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You really don't understand what an economic migrant or an asylum seeker is do you! Astounding. Yet you feel informed enough to comment on this thread. :loopy:
What you don't understand is that they go to their internet cafes log on to Sheffield forum and realise how many gullible people there are in the UK.
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You're wasting your time Cyclone is one of those who'll happily give your money away to any Tom Dick or Harry whilst at the same time applying the Nelson touch of putting the telescope to his blind eye saying "I see no scroungers".


I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt though. Although there probably are systems in place to prevent unnecessary benefit distribution, there must surely be exceptions like in my case: The mother has nothing - she speaks absolutely no English and hasn't been able to get a job because of the language barrier and has no money to return home, although I believe the husband is now working away on a site and lodges Auf Wiedersehen style with other labourers so there is no home to go to. The kids are doing OK at school, and she relies on them to translate.

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You're wasting your time Cyclone is one of those who'll happily give your money away to any Tom Dick or Harry whilst at the same time applying the Nelson touch of putting the telescope to his blind eye saying "I see no scroungers".


Don't you mean Tom, Dick or Abdul ?

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It is you who doesn't understand, I understand perfectly well that the vast majority of so called Asylum seekers/Refugees are liars otherwhise they would have gone to the nearest safe country but you are too blind to see that.


Economic migrants are just that,end of story.


You don't even understand the difference between the two groups or what either group can claim in assistance, that's why you can't actually make a coherent argument on the subject.

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Wow this gets better, they arrive at their international airport, get on a plane, without a ticket not knowing where they are going.


Strange that it's always a plane to the UK.


Have you ever actually bothered to investigate how many asylum seekers the various countries around the world take.


Do that.


Then come back and join in again.

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We all know that the nasty torys of the 80s only had to wait a few months before their true colours began to show, and surely the cut to housing benefit has to the most cynical attack on migrants who wish to settle in this country.


Yes, its true they have not said "we hate foregners, send em awl back gaverner" as thats the line taken by the BNP, no the conservatives have used housing benefit cuts as their weapon.


Migrants have large familys, large familys need more money so what do our tory government do? yes they cut housing benefits to £20000 and so in effect force large familys to live in squalour.


Is this right and by doing this are they not taking choices away from these familys to make their own decision about their own futures? do we want a society where people are forced to live in certain areas that are dictated by how much money they have? I for one hope not, we are going back to the 1980s.


Caring sharing conservatives? don't make me laugh. attacking the most needy in our society. What happened to the UK as a welcoming nation? :mad:

like everything else, kindness was seen as a weakness and we became abused.
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I'm not sure if that's true though. I know of one Polish family where the husband has gone back home to Poland because work here has dried up. He's left the wife and two kids, and she is getting benefits.


According to the published rules she would have had to have been working here for a year before qualifying for benefits... Maybe that's applied at a family level and they qualified because of the work he did (and the taxes he paid).

It's not the norm though is it. A large proportion of the Polish workers came here without their families and quite a few have left again.


It goes back to the point bassman made earlier.. He can't decide if they're stealing our jobs or coming to claim benefits, but it can't be both.

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It goes back to the point bassman made earlier.. He can't decide if they're stealing our jobs or coming to claim benefits, but it can't be both.
But it is, only you can't see the wood for the trees.

A Pakistani friend of ours who lives in Oldham buys old property there and brings relatives over here, gets them on benefits including housing so that he gets extortianate rents for his propertys.

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