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The End Of The World As We Know It ?

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I would imagine that the commanders and the crews knowing that the US mainland was destroyed and their families with it would just assume that under the circumstances they might as well take out all the troublesome countries. Nothing to lose anymore.



My experience of Americans is that they're basically decent people, and not so petty and small-minded as to inflict untold death and destruction on the rest of the world for no better reason than mere vengeance. But perhaps you know them better than I.

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Sounds dramatic but i've heard people on tv news programs sayng if there is a WW3 it most likely will come from North Korea or Iran.Now North Korea has started shelling the South will this escalate ? Japan is getting jittery already and has told the armed forces to expect "any" eventuality.Whatever it ain't good news.


I would take the other view. DEFINITELY Good News! Experts on the news have mentioned that it is a sure sign that N. Korea is at last cracking up, it has made a disastrous miscalculation, China is frozen like a cowardly rabbit in the headlights of the US, Britain, Japan, India, Africa, the Middle East AND RUSSIA, and I know that we shall soon see results.


Just give it about 6 more months and the whole rotten mess will collapse, and the N. Koreans don't even have enough fuel left to launch one effective missile, nor the perfected technology for a working nuclear warhead in it.

The only real thing we have to fear is desperate hordes of ragged refugees storming the Chinese border and a major nuclear accident on N. Korean soil on the lines of Chernobyl...:rant:

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My experience of Americans is that they're basically decent people, and not so petty and small-minded as to inflict untold death and destruction on the rest of the world for no better reason than mere vengeance. But perhaps you know them better than I.



Maybe you should try to imagine the scenario aboard a US submarine somewhere far from the US mainland. All contact with Washington, the government and the Pentagon completely lost, every major US city in ruins, 150 million dead, millions more mortally wounded, millions more roaming around like animals killing each other for food, every crew member coming to the realisation that his loved ones are probably dead and worst of all a ship without a country to return to.

More than likely if communication could be established with other navy ships also at sea then a senior admiral would in effect become commander of whats left of the US forces. I dont see even the most decent of men turning a blind eye to the total destruction of his country.


Anyway, if the US goes down so does the rest of the world sooner or later. The start would be a total and complete collapse of the worlds economy. I leave the rest to your imagination

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Well, as I said, maybe you know them better than I and they're not really as decent as they've always seemed, if that is the case.


Why try to generalize about 300 million people. They're just like people anywhere else, the good, the bad and the ugly.

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Well, as I said, maybe you know them better than I and they're not really as decent as they've always seemed, if that is the case.


I bet you've never done anything wrong when in an angry and depressed state.


They're only human sadly.


What would you do if everyone you knew had just been murdered?

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