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Thankyou BOE for Low Interest Rates.

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Finally my mortgage came out of its fixed period and due to the super low interest rates I am now saving over £200 per month on my mortgage.


Long live the low interest rate.


We've never had it so good!


No matter what the doom mongers say, many people are doing very well out of this so-called recession.

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Finally my mortgage came out of its fixed period and due to the super low interest rates I am now saving over £200 per month on my mortgage.


Long live the low interest rate.


The Government taxed YOU it then loaned YOUR money to the financial institutions at 1% and YOU now get to borrow YOUR own money at a higher rate and YOU are happy !!!


We really do get what we deserve :hihi:

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BoE employee pension scheme is now 80% in index linked gilts (up from 30% in 2008 ). Meanwhile Mervyn tells us not to worry because inflation is temporary as he sits tight on a base rate of 0.5% accompanied by his monthly letter of apology and fictitious excuses to George Osborne. :)

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Long live the low interest rate.


When interest rates rise (as they inevitably must) it should prove most entertaining.


Even with historically low interest rates, the UK housing market is moribund and the economy is sluggish. We've become so used to low IRs that we've started to think of them as the norm.

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It's the base rate we're talking about, the mortgage rates and savings rates both come from that.

If the base rate went up they would raise them both (maybe not by the same amount though). I'm currently getting a grand 0%, not many years ago it was something like 4 or 5 %.


The only reason that rates are still low is that they don't want to cause a wave of defaults and repossessions, and they'd rather you spent than saved right now. The latter isn't working, people save anyway when there's uncertainty, but the housing crash has largely been avoided by the maintenance of cheap credit through the mechanism of the base rate.

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