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Goodbye Sheffield nightlife.


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300,000 sales at £14.00 hhmmmm add that up


There is no way in the world that an artist would get 100% of their sales, so you can forget 300,000 sales at £14.00. Also a mix album is very complicated to value it's income to the owner, as the DJs doing the mixes will need paying in royalties as would the makers of the music in the mixes.

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300,000 sales at £14.00 hhmmmm add that up



The record company wont get more than a fiver probably far less from the retailer for each CD. Out of that fiver they've got to pay for manufacture, marketings, design etc etc then make a profit - so the artist will usually only get a tiny fraction of that...


anyway.. gone way off topic...

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300,000 sales at £14.00 hhmmmm add that up


Here's an example of a breakdown of how the revenue from a $15.99 CD sale is split. The example is from USA but obviously will translate to UK as well. Don't think SB would see much of that £14. Artist royalties could be higher for a mix CD as well.


$0.17 Musicians' unions

$0.80 Packaging/manufacturing

$0.82 Publishing royalties

$0.80 Retail profit

$0.90 Distribution

$1.60 Artists' royalties

$1.70 Label profit

$2.40 Marketing/promotion

$2.91 Label overhead

$3.89 Retail overhead

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Here's an example of a breakdown of how the revenue from a $15.99 CD sale is split. The example is from USA but obviously will translate to UK as well. Don't think SB would see much of that £14. Artist royalties could be higher for a mix CD as well.


$0.17 Musicians' unions

$0.80 Packaging/manufacturing

$0.82 Publishing royalties

$0.80 Retail profit

$0.90 Distribution

$1.60 Artists' royalties

$1.70 Label profit

$2.40 Marketing/promotion

$2.91 Label overhead

$3.89 Retail overhead


well theres one thing for sure ,the ministry paid baxendale 470,000k for the use of the niche name for 3 albums,plus royalties plus the use of his own artists who were contracted to him and recieved a fixed fee,his own music creation ,according to my sources shaun banger scott ,who knows baxendale poss better than any one ,so the hint of jealosy doesnt cut it with me ,

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well theres one thing for sure ,the ministry paid baxendale 470,000k for the use of the niche name for 3 albums,plus royalties plus the use of his own artists who were contracted to him and recieved a fixed fee,his own music creation ,according to my sources shaun banger scott ,who knows baxendale poss better than any one ,so the hint of jealosy doesnt cut it with me ,



If he did indeed get that - good luck to him as it a stupidly good deal for him - but i'd be surprised...

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When you claim that the police and council are acting in tandem in relation to the (Sevenstones) redevelopment and then claim that the local newspaper is the mouthpiece of the police, then I think I am entitled to deduce that you are making wild conspiracy theories.




For the record, no-one has made any assertion that Niche did anything at all to "encourage under-age drinking".


I cannot comment on the other aspects of your post as this would be inappropriate for me to do so.





The four core objectives of the Licensing Act 2003 are -

1.the prevention of crime and disorder,

2.public safety,

3.prevention of public nuisance, and

4.the protection of children from harm



It is the police who determine whether a license should be reviewed.



As I am not the police, I am unable to answer your question.


You claim to be "sure" of a lot of things, but actually, it is only your opinion.



There has been no "attack on these types of premises" by the Licensing sub-committee whatsoever. You are once again making fanciful (and really silly)claims.


And I repeat: despite police requests, Niche was not in fact closed by the Licensing sub-committee hearing that I chaired, but was allowed to reopen with new licensing conditions - which were imposed in order to provide clubbers and staff with a safe environment to enjoy their evenings out.




Your really silly speculation that what I may only be "really bothered about is to ban these kind of clubs and hope that a stabbing actually occurs" is that stupid that it doesn't merit a reponse from me.

because i'm getting tired of hearing about the niche ,i decided to contact mr baxendale on face book where he seems to have more than a few fans and clear a few things up,my question was do you think you got a fair hearing from the licencing sub committee,in particular our friend red robbo,and to my surprise he was very complementary on the fair treatment recieved ,to the point of our red robbo studying all night the history of the niche what it represents ,the long haul its had to be world recognised as a niche ,excuse the pun ,music genre,he puts the niche closure at 2 doors,one being the customers who joined didnt turn up on the opening night and two the tightening of the membership knot he'd proposed, by the poice ,making it very hard to operate and the wall of silence he recieved from them ,the snyde comments about not being successful at the hearing but( we'll get you next time attitude) the licencing chair considered all his hard work ,the staff, the loss of another venue, and he thought they had been thorough and fair, he was only particularly aggrieved how the chief supt barrs had lied on oath blatently and the only sgt who would poss. have proved this they sent on annual leave ,in his opinion a sgt of old school that he doesn't think would have sh-t on him when the chips were down,fact is had he been useful to supt barrs he'd have cancelled that leave in a flash,this is mr baxendales words not mine and he does seem to be outspoken and fearless ,he tells me he shut shop ,not the police and emigrated to bangkok and is due to open his new club in april ,well I for one wish him good luck and hope he gets a better deal there than he did in sheffield ,our loss their gain ,ive encouraged him to write a book on his life story warts and all ,naming and shaming,now that would rumble a few people ,i hope this clears this up and let the guy rest in his new venture

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because i'm getting tired of hearing about the niche ,i decided to contact mr baxendale on face book where he seems to have more than a few fans and clear a few things up,my question was do you think you got a fair hearing from the licencing sub committee,in particular our friend red robbo,and to my surprise he was very complementary on the fair treatment recieved ,to the point of our red robbo studying all night the history of the niche what it represents ,the long haul its had to be world recognised as a niche ,excuse the pun ,music genre,he puts the niche closure at 2 doors,one being the customers who joined didnt turn up on the opening night and two the tightening of the membership knot he'd proposed, by the poice ,making it very hard to operate and the wall of silence he recieved from them ,the snyde comments about not being successful at the hearing but( we'll get you next time attitude) the licencing chair considered all his hard work ,the staff, the loss of another venue, and he thought they had been thorough and fair, he was only particularly aggrieved how the chief supt barrs had lied on oath blatently and the only sgt who would poss. have proved this they sent on annual leave ,in his opinion a sgt of old school that he doesn't think would have sh-t on him when the chips were down,fact is had he been useful to supt barrs he'd have cancelled that leave in a flash,this is mr baxendales words not mine and he does seem to be outspoken and fearless ,he tells me he shut shop ,not the police and emigrated to bangkok and is due to open his new club in april ,well I for one wish him good luck and hope he gets a better deal there than he did in sheffield ,our loss their gain ,ive encouraged him to write a book on his life story warts and all ,naming and shaming,now that would rumble a few people ,i hope this clears this up and let the guy rest in his new venture


I must confess that I never expected to find feedback about myself on the forum!


I had in fact collected my papers for the license review hearing from the Town Hall at 8.00pm - and given the unexpected volume of paperwork, did indeed stay up nearly all night reading them (I managed only 2 hours kip). That included reading the considerable number of favourable emails that Mr Baxendale submitted from Niche clubbers. Indeed, in my summary comments, I quoted from one of these emails, as well as giving public recognition to what Niche had achieved in respect of a Sheffield music genre.


The local beat police officer had submitted a very favourable report on the degree of cooperation that he had received from Mr Baxendale over an extended period of time - which I drew attention to in my questions to the senior police officer present at the review hearing.


Mr Baxendale had suggested to the police that he was prepared to operate a membership scheme, and although no formal agreement had been reached between the club and South Yorkshire Police, this offer assisted the members of the Licensing sub-committee in determining the outcome of the license review.


Despite the outrageous claims of Joe9T, your feedback from Mr Baxendale shows that he felt he received "fair treatment" and that "the licencing chair considered all his hard work ,the staff, the loss of another venue, and he thought they had been thorough and fair".


I trust that Joe9T will take note of these comments and refrain from making any further silly claims about the Licensing sub-committee's actions in respect of Niche.

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Despite the outrageous claims of Joe9T, your feedback from Mr Baxendale shows that he felt he received "fair treatment" and that "the licencing chair considered all his hard work ,the staff, the loss of another venue, and he thought they had been thorough and fair".


I trust that Joe9T will take note of these comments and refrain from making any further silly claims about the Licensing sub-committee's actions in respect of Niche.



I would like to inform you, that I too have been in contact with Mr Baxendale concerning my posts on this particular thread.




Question... Who initially suggested the membership scheme? Did Mr Baxendale only agree to it after it had been suggested to him and he agreeing to it, realising that that was the only way his club could continue?


Did he have no choice in the matter? Was it either a membership scheme or closure?


To redrobbo, I make my OWN assumptions and in MY opinion the Licensing sub committee have a duty to make sure that the police are not just simply targeting certain kinds of clubs. (Which they appear quite clearly to be doing)


I would like to know of of all the other license reviews that the sub committee have had to meet on following requests from the police within the city centre in the last 12 to 18 months, say?


As you have kindly posted, the four core objectives of the Licensing Act 2003 are:

1.the prevention of crime and disorder,

2.public safety,

3.prevention of public nuisance, and

4.the protection of children from harm



And you also state that it is the police who determine whether a license should be reviewed.


So, does that mean that there is/are no:


1.Crime and disorder problems occuring elsewhere in other city centre clubs in Sheffield?

2.No public safety concerns, occuring elsewhere in other city centre clubs in Sheffield?

3.No public nuisance, occuring elsewhere in other city centre clubs in Sheffield?

4.No underage drinking occuring elsewhere in other city centre clubs in Sheffield?


My point is... is that ALL clubs have breached or are breaching these four core principles, but the police only request reviews of certain ones that they don't like!


The Licensing sub committee surely have a duty to make sure that the police are applying the Act fairly and without bias and it is up to them to ask questions of the police and not just take their word for it.

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