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Goodbye Sheffield nightlife.


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How did you make a decision regarding the safety of the clubbers and staff without asking them all exactly how safe they felt in Niche? Whilst the license review was taking place, I was not asked once (either as a member of staff or as a clubber) how safe I felt in Niche. I also know for a fact that no other members of staff were asked, and none of the clubbers were either for that matter. Why could that have been? Could it be because every single member of staff that worked there lived for their job? Could it have been because each and every clubber that regularly attended Niche looked forward to their weekends so much just because they knew they were going to the nightclub that was world renowned for their favourite type of music? Each and every person that I met in Niche during all the years that I've been going said the same thing, that they felt so safe in there.


Niche was 'safe' long before the membership scheme was enforced, its always had one of the safest doors in the city. Each and every time you went to enter the venue, you would be subject to a full body metal detector search, physical full body search, and even the emptying of pockets into clear plastic containers for inspection. Not only that, it had one of the best security teams I've ever seen who actually worked as a team. Now you won't find that on any other door in Sheffield. Hence why everyone inside felt safe.


And with regard to the general public, well granted, I'm sure my mother would have felt intimidated in Niche not being used to that environment. But then again, she was never in Charter Square at 3am.


My bold: A licensing review is not a consultation exercise or an opinion poll. A licensee can provide whatever evidence they wish, and in the caswe of the Niche license review, this included scores of emails in support of the club remaining open - all of which I read and one of which I quoted from during the review hearing.


Although you claim that "everyone inside felt safe", evidence was produced of a number of assaults which occurred inside the premises. Although some of these were disputed, a number of them were accepted by the licence holder as having occurred inside the premises.


Although your mother may never have been in Charter Square at 3.00am, other members of the public were, as well as taxi drivers, etc.

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I realise this may not be the place but picking up on a point I made earlier.


Gatecrasher was refused permission to open a venue last year and although the council did acknowledge the cultural value of Crasher they said they would take steps to find a suitable venue. Is anything actually being done in that direction and what does that mean generally? Does it mean that the council will try to look more favourably on applications from crasher because of its cultural value or just that they are generally trying to secure a venue for crasher or none of those things?

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I realise this may not be the place but picking up on a point I made earlier.


Gatecrasher was refused permission to open a venue last year and although the council did acknowledge the cultural value of Crasher they said they would take steps to find a suitable venue. Is anything actually being done in that direction and what does that mean generally? Does it mean that the council will try to look more favourably on applications from crasher because of its cultural value or just that they are generally trying to secure a venue for crasher or none of those things?


I'd imagine GC's managements past behaviour wont have done them any favours...

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Anyway - regardless of what Mr Raine may or may not have done.. the whole Crasher thing has been and gone.. its bit like the Casino wanting to rebuild in Wigan or the Hacienda in Manchester. Whatever the venue would be - it won't be the thing it built its reputation on... the world has moved on in a decade and the shift in licensing laws (most city centre pubs/bars open till at least 1) and going out habits means we're unlikely to see the return of superclubs...

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Anyway - regardless of what Mr Raine may or may not have done.. the whole Crasher thing has been and gone.. its bit like the Casino wanting to rebuild in Wigan or the Hacienda in Manchester. Whatever the venue would be - it won't be the thing it built its reputation on... the world has moved on in a decade and the shift in licensing laws (most city centre pubs/bars open till at least 1) and going out habits means we're unlikely to see the return of superclubs...
True, it won't be Crasher in any meaningful sense of the word but more venues and competition should make town better for us all
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I don't see any reason why Sheffield shouldn't have GateCrasher back. It's not my cup of tea, but I understand how important it is, and what a pull in tourism it would be. It belongs in Sheffield (just like Niche), end of. Why should other cities get it, yet once again Sheffield turns its back on it when it tries to return. Shame really, it seems we really we destined to become the biggest tumble weed city of the UK.


A status update occurred on Facebook the other day on a DJ's profile. The conclusion was pretty much that Rotherham and Barnsley are now better nights out than Sheffield. People from Sheffield are now regularly travelling to Barnsley and Rotherham for a night out. How sad is that? This is what this city has come to, and it's nothing to be proud of.

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I don't see any reason why Sheffield shouldn't have GateCrasher back. It's not my cup of tea, but I understand how important it is, and what a pull in tourism it would be. It belongs in Sheffield (just like Niche), end of. Why should other cities get it, yet once again Sheffield turns its back on it when it tries to return. Shame really, it seems we really we destined to become the biggest tumble weed city of the UK.


A status update occurred on Facebook the other day on a DJ's profile. The conclusion was pretty much that Rotherham and Barnsley are now better nights out than Sheffield. People from Sheffield are now regularly travelling to Barnsley and Rotherham for a night out. How sad is that? This is what this city has come to, and it's nothing to be proud of.


Sad f***s if they do, Rotherham on a night out is beyond awful. Any Sheffielder that pays money to travel to Rotherham for a good night deserves to lose their money.

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