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Goodbye Sheffield nightlife.


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I think you're getting hold of the wrong end of the stick, or have some agenda.


Both deaths outside DQ and Alibi were isolated incidents. Tragically, appears to be the victim falling over and banging their head. This could happen ANYWHERE, outside any bar in any city in any country.


Niche, Empire bar and the likes had repeated events of "gangs" clashing, chucking knives around and generally thinking they are in some way hard. This is what the police want to crack down upon and I for one applaud what they have done.


seems to me the guy who got 9 yrs for manslaughter because he punched the other person to the floor outside dq should be released then if you're saying the victim just fell over and banged his head ,and alibi have been open 2 mins and had a death so has nocturnal so lets the body count begin and watch a few people eat their words

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if a city with 6 nightclubs in total lose 3 that equates to me that half of the nightlife at least have gone ,diversity is the key to tourism and a lively city ,obviously not anymore


Only 3 nightclubs still open?

Corp, Plug, Embrace, Leadmill, O2, Sheff Uni, Hallam Uni. And that's just the over 1,000 capacity ones.


If we count Westways and Empire as nightclubs, then we can also include Forum, Babylon, Static, Flares/Reflex, Crystal, DQ, Nocturnal, Dempseys, and numerous other places.

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Only 3 nightclubs still open?

Corp, Plug, Embrace, Leadmill, O2, Sheff Uni, Hallam Uni. And that's just the over 1,000 capacity ones.


If we count Westways and Empire as nightclubs, then we can also include Forum, Babylon, Static, Flares/Reflex, Crystal, DQ, Nocturnal, Dempseys, and numerous other places.


oh my lord i must have lived a sheltered life but if the same number are still open in this new year what with the v a t and the recession and the definite absense of people all over the city then i'll gladly eat my hat,now if we were going down west st for a P U B crawl then all those places mentioned would be on our route ,my idea of a nightclub is obviously different to yours,i wouldn't class sheff uni, or hallam uni as a nightclub as unless you are a student its off limits,embrace is up for second licence review,due to seriuos violence over xmas ,i'm told another stabbing,mutley at corp has had enough ,says he's off to america ,O 2 have laid off most of their promo team and only open occasionally,static s licence capped at midnight,plug rumbling about what ,if ,anything is on the horizon,all pay out and nothing coming back ,leadmill still full of students not mainstream public so my friend i stick by what i said and see what clubs are open through jan,feb

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And, BT have already moved out of all their offices above Niche/Vibe!!!


It's a Sheffield Council clearing up act and the Police are in on it too, knowing full well that no nightclubs are to be in the vicinity of the new John Lewis, by the time it's built and opened!!!

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seems to me the guy who got 9 yrs for manslaughter because he punched the other person to the floor outside dq should be released then


You seem to be making up a lot of facts about this case. The guy got 4 years and will most likely be released in 2 (source - http://www.southyorks.police.uk/news/10112010/4711/man-sentenced-for-manslaughter-after-attack-outside-sheffield-nightclub). Of course he shouldn't be released - any violent attack should be punished, particularly if that attack results in death (whether accidentally or not).


I don't event think the attacker had been inside DQ beforehad, he was just walking up road as the victim was leaving. So really this could have happened anywhere, it really didn't have anything to do with DQ.

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i wouldn't class sheff uni, or hallam uni as a nightclub as unless you are a student its off limits,


Incorrect, many nights at Sheffield Uni are open to the public. In fact the Tuesday club is one of Sheffield's longest and most successful non-mainstream nights and is open to the public.

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