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Goodbye Sheffield nightlife.


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You seem to be making up a lot of facts about this case. The guy got 4 years and will most likely be released in 2 (source - http://www.southyorks.police.uk/news/10112010/4711/man-sentenced-for-manslaughter-after-attack-outside-sheffield-nightclub). Of course he shouldn't be released - any violent attack should be punished, particularly if that attack results in death (whether accidentally or not).


I don't event think the attacker had been inside DQ beforehad, he was just walking up road as the victim was leaving. So really this could have happened anywhere, it really didn't have anything to do with DQ.


the falcon was replying to Paul2412 and in context (highlighted red, which you decided to remove), he is only suggesting on the basis of what paul2412 had suggested that the guy had simply fallen over and banged his head, which obviously is not true... "seems to me the guy who got 9 yrs for manslaughter because he punched the other person to the floor outside dq should be released then if you're saying the victim just fell over and banged his head"

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Niche/Vibe on Charter Row - FORCED to closure!!!


Allow me to put the record straight. Niche was not "FORCED to closure" as claimed.


I was the chair of the Licensing sub-committee which reviewed the Niche license following an emergency closure order by the police.


In order to avoid a repetition of stabbings that occurred in the vicinity of Niche, the club license holder suggested a membership entry scheme. This, and other security measures, were adopted by the Licensing sub-committee and the club then reopened.

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And, BT have already moved out of all their offices above Niche/Vibe!!!


It's a Sheffield Council clearing up act and the Police are in on it too, knowing full well that no nightclubs are to be in the vicinity of the new John Lewis, by the time it's built and opened!!!


:huh: Your conspiracy theory doesn't stack up.


The police did seek a permanent closure order, for reasons of crime and disorder. However, Niche was allowed to re-open by the council's licensing sub-committee (see my previous post).

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Incorrect, many nights at Sheffield Uni are open to the public. In fact the Tuesday club is one of Sheffield's longest and most successful non-mainstream nights and is open to the public.


Do the working class people of Sheffield look on the Sheffield Uni as a Nightclub ?? NO....:cool:

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Allow me to put the record straight. Niche was not "FORCED to closure" as claimed.


I was the chair of the Licensing sub-committee which reviewed the Niche license following an emergency closure order by the police.


In order to avoid a repetition of stabbings that occurred in the vicinity of Niche, the club license holder suggested a membership entry scheme. This, and other security measures, were adopted by the Licensing sub-committee and the club then reopened.


It was forced to closure due to the membership entry scheme which was ONLY suggested by the club license holder, as they new that theCouncil would only lift it on the basis of a membership only scheme. The police then put so many restrictions on the membership scheme, which meant that the membership scheme was doomed to failure. No one wanted to know and the clubbers went to Empire instead. In a round about way, it WAS forced to closure!!! FACT

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:huh: Your conspiracy theory doesn't stack up.


The police did seek a permanent closure order, for reasons of crime and disorder. However, Niche was allowed to re-open by the council's licensing sub-committee (see my previous post).


I DO NOT trust you at all!!! Or the SY Police and the Sheffield (Police PAPER) Star!!!


You are ruining "OUR city and you have got a lot to answer for!!!


Don't play games with Sheffield nightlife, cos you are literally ruining Sheffiel.


I remember only a few years back, a vibrant city at night and now it's like a ghost town... all because of the likes of you on your licensing sub-committee

chair. You make me so angry and thousands of other peopl in Sheffielsd too.


Were you actually born here, by the way?

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In order to avoid a repetition of stabbings that occurred in the vicinity of Niche, the club license holder suggested a membership entry scheme. This, and other security measures, were adopted by the Licensing sub-committee and the club then reopened.


YOU and the POLCE knew full well that the membership scheme was the round about way to force the club to closure!!!


The club owner re-opened, but at least it was he that officially "closed" it.


A man that has worked hard in Sheffield for decades and stood on the doors of his clubs in all weathers and has been forced to pack it all in.


You should be ashamed of yourself.


But, you don't stop at that, you then go for Empire Bar too!!!


There will be a backlash if it carries on, cos people are angry and there is almost nowhere for clubbers who enjoy the kind of music played in Niche and Empire, to go on the weekends anymore


You are basically targeting certain types/kinds of clubs and attempting to eradicate it them from Sheffield good and proper.

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:... Niche was allowed to re-open by the council's licensing sub-committee (see my previous post).


By the way, I do not think you as the chair of the council's licensing sub-committee, should be discussing on here anything relating to your decisions.

You have got to keep and show an un-biased view of things and I do not think that you have shown this by your recent passed comments concerning Niche.


A judge wouldn't come on here and discuss his or her decision in a case of law would they?

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It was forced to closure due to the membership entry scheme which was ONLY suggested by the club license holder, as they new that theCouncil would only lift it on the basis of a membership only scheme. The police then put so many restrictions on the membership scheme, which meant that the membership scheme was doomed to failure. No one wanted to know and the clubbers went to Empire instead. In a round about way, it WAS forced to closure!!! FACT


Apart from changing your argument, you clearly have no idea how the Licensing sub-committee works.


The police applied to the Licensing sub-committee for the permanent closure of the Niche nightclub, based on numerous reported incidents of crime and disorder (including multiple stabbings and also assaults which occurred within the club) and reports of under-age drinking.


The police did not, and in law cannot, impose any conditions on a license. Only the Licensing sub-committee can impose conditions on a license.


In my closing remarks at the end of a marathon 8 hour sub-committee review hearing of the Niche license, I publicly paid tribute to the club owner for the internationally-recognised music genre that Niche had developed in Sheffield and also acknowledged the degree of co-operation that the club license holder had developed with the police.


I also stated that whilst bearing in mind these attributes, the Licensing sub-committee nevertheless had a responsibility to ensure that clubbers, staff and the general public should remain safe as possible from serious harm.


Despite the police objections, the members of the Licensing sub-committee agreed to Niche remaining open subject to new licensing conditions, including a membership scheme (as proposed by the license holder) and a weapons detector arch. These conditions were an attempt to allow Niche to remain open for the benefit of clubbers - whilst attempting to provide all concerned with a safe environment to enjoy baseline music.

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