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Goodbye Sheffield nightlife.


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YOU and the POLCE knew full well that the membership scheme was the round about way to force the club to closure!!!


The club owner re-opened, but at least it was he that officially "closed" it.


A man that has worked hard in Sheffield for decades and stood on the doors of his clubs in all weathers and has been forced to pack it all in.


You should be ashamed of yourself.


But, you don't stop at that, you then go for Empire Bar too!!!


There will be a backlash if it carries on, cos people are angry and there is almost nowhere for clubbers who enjoy the kind of music played in Niche and Empire, to go on the weekends anymore


You are basically targeting certain types/kinds of clubs and attempting to eradicate it them from Sheffield good and proper.


Your suggestion that there is conspiracy to target and eradicate certain types of club in Sheffield is simply nonsensical.


Licenses can be reviewed at the request of the police, but the police must demonstrate that a license needs to be reviewed based on one or more of the four core objectives of the Licensing Act 2003 not being adhered to.


[i was not a member of the Licensing sub-committee that reviewed the Empire Bar license, nor have I had access to the papers].

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By the way, I do not think you as the chair of the council's licensing sub-committee, should be discussing on here anything relating to your decisions.

You have got to keep and show an un-biased view of things and I do not think that you have shown this by your recent passed comments concerning Niche.


A judge wouldn't come on here and discuss his or her decision in a case of law would they?


You make an important point Joe9T. However, you can be assured that the information I have posted on this and previous threads is solely factual, completely unbiased, and is already in the public domain*. At no point in time have I ever expressed a personal opinion.


* The Licensing sub-committee meetings (relating to licenses) are open to the public and press and the minutes of meetings are available on the council's website.

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You make an important point Joe9T. However, you can be assured that the information I have posted on this and previous threads is solely factual, completely unbiased, and is already in the public domain*. At no point in time have I ever expressed a personal opinion.


* The Licensing sub-committee meetings (relating to licenses) are open to the public and press and the minutes of meetings are available on the council's website.


And so are court trials, but the judge doesn't appear on a forum thereafter to discuss his or her decisions!!!

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Your suggestion that there is conspiracy to target and eradicate certain types of club in Sheffield is simply nonsensical.


Licenses can be reviewed at the request of the police, but the police must demonstrate that a license needs to be reviewed based on one or more of the four core objectives of the Licensing Act 2003 not being adhered to.


[i was not a member of the Licensing sub-committee that reviewed the Empire Bar license, nor have I had access to the papers].


I haven't even mentioned the word "conspiracy" at all, it is you that has mentioned it TWICE now, within a few posts, referring to my comments,


I am sure that Niche or Empire DID NOT encourage under-age drinking. Think about it, your license is in jeapordy and the last thing you want to allow is under-age drinking. Niche & Empire Bar would have bent over backwards to make sure that under-age drinking didn't occur, so it shows that it is TOTALLY impossible to properly prevent, even if you want to prevent it. There has been NO deaths outside Niche or Empire, yet they are now BOTH shut.


NOCTURNAL, DQ and now ALIBI BAR have had violent attacks outside their clubs/bars, which have resulted in deaths in all of them.


So, you say "the police must demonstrate that a license needs to be reviewed based on one or more of the four core objectives of the Licensing Act 2003 not being adhered to".


What are these four core objectives?


And why have they not been applied to the three deaths outside the three clubs/bars just mentioned?


Empire has been closed due to a stabbing, where the guy in question has already got three stabbings and muggings on his record!


Why hadn't the Police simply "banned" him from the city centre?


If their had been a fatal attack outside Niche or Empire, the clubs would have been shut for good, i'm sure of that, but because the the mentioned ARE NOT Niche or Empire, they are allowed to stay open!


Just remember that people are NOT happy and you are turning thousands of law abiding people against you and your attack on these types of premises by shutting clubs WE enjoy!


If there are nutheads about, that is NOT the fault of these clubs; it's the system that is not working correctly. It is the clubs that bear the brunt of incidents that THEY DON'T WANT, but get blamed for them and their livelihoods taken away, not to mention the jobs that go with it ie members of staff.


There are bad people all over, allowed to go where they please, even when they have bad criminal records (like with the attacker @ Empire).


These dangerous people need banning from areas like the city centre and NOT the clubs taking the blame all the time. Unless all you're really bothered about is to ban these kind of clubs and hope that something like a stabbing actually occurs, to give you reason to close the place.


Makes you wonder, makes you really wonder!!!

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Minutes of trials are not in the public domain as far as I know...


NO, court trials are open to the public or some of them at least, but the judge doesn't then come on a forum afterwards to discuss his/her decisions!!! I'm not talking about the minutes!

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