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The political stocks


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To join in this thread you have to pick a personality (?) from each of the three main English political parties - Conservative, Labour, Lib-Dem.Who would you put in the triple stocks for a day and what's the charge? I'll be shackling down...


Conservative: Seb Coe. For making London the centre of sport.

Labour: Denis Skinner. For holding back the workers.

Lib-Dem: Danny Alexander. For completely missing the point of his task.





(You can change the inhabitants of the stocks every day if you like)

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Nick Clegg (Lib Dem) - for roaring with laughter and slapping George Osbourne on the back when the Chancellor announced the savage spending cuts in which 490,000 public sector jobs will be lost...


David Cameron (Conservative) - for exactly the same behaviour (along with every other Tory on the front bench - cheering the job cuts).


Frank Field, John Hutton and Kate Hoey (Labour) - ex-Labour ministers who should do the honourable thing and cross the floor of the House to join their Tory comrades.

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Conservative - Grant Schapps for making a complete and utter pigs ear of housing policy.


Lib Dem - Nick Clegg for obvious reasons. Charles Kennedy was much better as Lib Dem leader if you ask me.


Labour - Dennis McShane. Just a really nasty piece of work.


Maybe it would be better to list 1 from each party who are actually worthy of some respect, although that would be a much, much shorter list. :(

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Conservative - George Osborne - too many reasons to list but principally because I can't cope with his smug expression hiding an empty head


Liberal - Paul Scriven - see reasons above plus also his desperate cravings for attention/publicity


Labour - Hazel Blears - token woman - just don't like the woman

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Frank Field, John Hutton and Kate Hoey (Labour) - ex-Labour ministers who should do the honourable thing and cross the floor of the House to join their Tory comrades.


Frank Field a Tory? I've never heard anything so pathetic. And if he saw this thread I would bet he'd be willing to come from Birkenhead and slap some sense into you.

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Frank Field a Tory? I've never heard anything so pathetic. And if he saw this thread I would bet he'd be willing to come from Birkenhead and slap some sense into you.


Frank Field has betrayed his working class electorate, and allied himself with a ConDem coalition government that is intent on punishing the poor for being poor.

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Frank Field has betrayed his working class electorate, and allied himself with a ConDem coalition government that is intent on punishing the poor for being poor.


I think you need to come over to Birkenhead and speak to actual people rather than listening to the voices in your head. But what you know, living some 100 miles away?


Frank's popularity has increased because he's working with the government - a rival government - to help his deeply deprived constituency. The people of Birkenhead certainly don't consider him a betrayer.

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Labour - Blair. No more than George Bush's puppy dog and cost a lot of innocent people their lives.


Lib Dem - Cable. Had a lot of respect for him pre election as he was one of the few who came out of the financial mess with any credit.


Tory - Shapps. He's made a big mistake with social housing in my view and I'd suggest that there's a fair few in the Tory party who would agree.


In terms of respect I've alot of time for Tony Benn. A man who stands by his principles. Charles Kennedy again wasn't afraid not to tow the party line. As for the Tories I think Ian Duncan Smith's heart is in the right place, even if I don't agree with everything he says/does, and I have a sneaky admiration for Portillo.

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