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What age is the best age to be?


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See I reckon the age you're going to be in 10 years..


When I was in my 20's I always thought that when I hit 30 I'd be a grown up, and all sorted financially, and have a car and a fantabulous house and husband and drink wine every night at dinner parties with friends.. Now im in my 30s I do drink a lot of wine, am still renting and can't be bothered to get married cos it all seems like a lot of fuss. Now im thinking when Im in my 40s I'll be a grown up, own my own house, car, and maybe a dog. So that will be the golden age.. and i'll be able to afford to spend more on wine ;)

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Well, I thought that spending my teens and early twenties in the 1960's was tremendously lucky. Spending the rest of my twenties and early thirties in the 1970's was also a very good experience. However I wouldn't have chosen to spend my 60's in either of those decades, a 60 year old then was like a current day 80 year old.


I don't like the 'must have now' lifestyle that appears to have become the norm, post the millenium, slow down guys. I am 63 and am more like a 40 odd year old from the 1960's and 1970's. All that I can say is enjoy the age that you are whatever the year may be, because there is bugger all that you can do to change it. :thumbsup:

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All that I can say is enjoy the age that you are whatever the year may be, because there is bugger all that you can do to change it. :thumbsup:


I'd agree with that - the best time of your life is now - the past has gone and the future may not arrive so make the most of today

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