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If football clubs have to pay for policing why not march organisers?


Send 'em a bill  

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I'm sure that it's an infringement of human rights to smash somebody on the head with a placard or put their windows through and obviously a peaceful protest that didn't need policing wouldn't incur costs.



That's the whole point of a judicial system. If you're caught offending then you'll be brought before a judge who will decide if removing you from society or imposing costs is apt. Why should I pay a penalty for someone else's stupidity?


If the demo is peaceful do we get a rebate?

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How many more times must it be explained to you why he could not implement his manifesto ?





The Guardian article showed that Clegg knew two months BEFORE the election that he would have to drop his 'no tuition fees' policy in the event of a ConDem coalition. How many time does it have to be explained to you that Clegg is a LIAR.

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I'm all for the right to make your voice heard but draw the line at violence against person or property.


So, considering that the costs of today's student protest will run into millions should the National Union of Students* be getting a bill for the damage and policing costs?




*My assumption, if the organiser is somebody else please mention it.


I think that would run into a number of problems as todays demo in Sheffield demostrated. The police numbers, dog vans, helicopter, dozens of police vehicles was a complete and utter overkill for a few hundred perfectly well behaved protestors who caused no damage to people or property. Would it be fair for well behaved demostrators to fund police overtime when the officer in charge has clearly gone for complete overkill policing?


What might be a good idea to ensure that the innocent have their right to protest but troublemakers pay their share of the costs would be a tweak in the law to make certain offences committed at these organised events aggrevated and make the agrrevating factor lead to a substancial addition fine element in the punishment. For example you could have an additional £5,000 fine for organised criminal damage or additional £1,0000 fine for organised affray. This would help to make the policing as revenue neutral as possible when violence does occur but not penalise law abiding protestors.

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How many more times must it be explained to you why he could not implement his manifesto ?


But both Libdems and Tories said they had no plans to raise VAT. But they did. Both parties campaigned to reverse the increase in National Insurance. But it's still going up. Sometime or another both parties are going to have to stop blaming each other for their manifesto lies.

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For example you could have an additional £5,000 fine for organised criminal damage or additional £1,0000 fine for organised affray. This would help to make the policing as revenue neutral as possible when violence does occur but not penalise law abiding protestors.

at a pound a week say?

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