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Where to go on Saturday night after party?? 01.10.05


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:partyhat: Me and my boyfriend are going to a party on Queens Road this saturday coming, we will be leaving the party about 12ish(midnight obv...) and then we want to go clubbing, i only turned 18 in June this year so havent really been to any of the clubs, only Kingdom, so i wanna try somethin different, any ideas?

Please don't say niche, i would rather come back in one piece thanks lol.....xXx

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posted by BoroughGal

I've just scanned 7 pages of this thread and still can't work out where they're going


From what I can guess its meeting at 8.00 to 8.10 at west street tram stop and going to Hai Boi bar, or whatever its called, and its a pub crawl, so fall out of one pub into another, then when I get fed up... I pop off to Fuel. :thumbsup:

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